You scored as One Intelectual Individual. You're a thinker. You see things from a very different prospective than the rest of the world, and probably find release and self-expression in music, painting, scalpting, or any other form of art. People see you as a deep person, full of knowledge that they don't understand. People are attracted to that, but there's a good chance you don't care.
One Intelectual Individual
New Age Hippie
Not a Hippie
Original Hippie
What type of hippie are you?
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"It's that Jacqueline feeling"Get your slogan
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Let's just start out by saying if there is chocolate involved I am so there! I love going to concerts, so hit me up if you want someone to go to a show with. Just as much as I enjoy being out and about in the world, I like a little of the good life too by curling up in a blanket and chilling out on a Sunday morning and enjoying a really kick butt breakfast. I do love the thunderstorms here in New Mexico, the smell in the air when it first starts raining, and the beauty in the calmness after a thunderstorm has left. I am here to enjoy my life everyday, and surround myself with people that I love and that enjoy living life every day.There are somethings that I have never done in my life but that I would love to check out like learning the drums, speaking Spanish, art, photography, how to travel for really really cheap, learn to fly a airplane, and maybe even learn how to really rock climb. I think that is all for now. Finding a cure for cancer, that would be the best thing for everyone. So eat, drink, and be marry...
Say Goodbye
What Dave Matthews Band Song Are You (Results Contain Pictures)?
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Congrats! You are a Dave Matthews Band NERD! You
eat, breathe, and drink DMB. You've seen at
least 10-20 concerts, met a band member or two,
and trade their live concerts on CD-R. You
rule, and know what music should sound like.
What Dave Matthews Band fan are you?
brought to you by Quizilla