FrankO profile picture


Who runs around a parking lot naked? Honestly.

About Me

I hate these things. Who am I? I dont know. I guess I have a lot to ponder. Its hard to tell people just who you are when sometimes I'm not so sure that I know the answer to that. So I guess I'll just go over the basics; my name is Franko Crosbie Maxwell III. That sounds important huh? You know why it does? Because I fucking am important! People know me. I'm kind of a big deal. My favorite thing to do in the whole wide fat ass world is laugh. I'm really good at it and I'm pretty good at making others do it really well too. I love meeting new people. I'm in sales and there's no other job I'd rather be doing. I like sitting with friends and puffin the cheeba. Shortly after this we all start to laugh and make funny faces at eachother. Its always a good time. I have a lot of passion for life and music. I like all forms of music. I even like the kind where really large people somehow make beautiful noises come out of their bodies. I've often been called random. Cock! Balls! I'm looking for a serious relationship but I want to take it slow and really get to know someone before jumping in head first. Lets face it I'm not getting any younger so flings aren't really what I'm looking for. Sure I might stumble on a couple on the way to finding Mrs. Right but its not really what I'm looking for. I like drinking, just not everyday of the week. I love partying, just not everyday of the week. I like smoking, just not everyday of the week. Yeah right. A day without my medicine? Fuck that!

myspace layout

My Interests

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Video and Code Provided by Hangin out with these knuckle heads!!

I'd like to meet:

You. Well maybe. If you're cool enough. J/K I want to meet people that are chill. No friggin drama either. Sure everyone has a little drama, but there are those SOOPER drama people. If you're one of those.... dont write me. I dont want to know you. I like down to earth people who like having a good time no matter what it is there doing. Anything can be fun if you're with the right people. Well almost anything. There are some things that would not be fun to do but I won't elaborate on those at the moment.


I like all music except for polka. Everything from Boot Scoot and Boogie'n to country or popping to my favorite drum and bass song. Trance, House, Rap, Rock ...... you name it Oh yeah and most of all....Dave Matthews Band... im a finatic about these guys.
You are Say Goodbye

Which Dave Matthews Band song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


All time fav is Oceans Eleven!! Monty Python, Half Baked, any good action or comedies.


Im not really that big on television shows but there are a couple shows that I do like to watch when I get a chance; Chapelle Show, ESPN, movie channels, and most recently the show Lost which kicks ass.


Angels and Demons, Da Vinci Code, Harry Potters, Deception Point, Running with Scissors, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Golf, Maxim, FHM, and Stuff.

My Blog

So thats what happened....

Here are some awesome pics from my birthday night.....stay tuned there will be more to come :)I've fallen.....and I dont give a FUCK!I hold you all resposible for that night......Thank you. Thank you ...
Posted by Franko on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 12:37:00 PST

MySpace Idiots

ONEThere is NO SUCH THING as a myspace does NOT exist. so quit posting stupid bulletins like"OH-MAH-GAWWWD this WORKS!!!"no, it doesnt......dipshitTWOTo the people who have like 25,000 frie...
Posted by Franko on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 05:09:00 PST

Retard Love

Now to elaborate more on the Asians blog from the previous day. This is for all of you stoners out there. A lovely tale just in time for the worst fucking holiday of the year. It all starts with tw...
Posted by Franko on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 07:54:00 PST

Torturing Yourself

How many of you wake up in your nice cozy bed and think to yourself, "Geez this is sooooo comfortable......this sucks! I really wish I was somewhere else right now. Somewhere that I could feel total d...
Posted by Franko on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Ode to the Asian

There are certain friends you trust with your life and there are others you barely trust while theyre holding your piece. Sometimes its tough to diferentiate between the two but the true friends that ...
Posted by Franko on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST