Soccerr, Chillin Wit Ma Home BoYz!! wat ELzE.. i dont nkow.. juz random Stuffz ! u knoww juz livin life to the fullezT.. tatzz all!
I WAnna MeeT NObody, No-One aNd NoNE! SO That IncLudEz U! wAHAhaha! WEll Juz About anyone who wantz to be ma fRenn!! uz hit me up or sumtin aite!! N i dont Wanna Meet PeoPle who are not what they seem n are baCkstaBbErZ!! WArniNG! LEaVe NoW! pEacE OuT!! Eh EveRyONe Ma New n OLD fReNZ..i wANNa Meet U alL ! coME HeRE!! dont Be A StraNgeR aitE! -JYz13-
R'n B, Hip-Hop, Rock and everythin else that gives a nice tune!
LOTR, Gladiator, Pootie Tang, Ali G, Malibu's Most Wanted, HonEy (damN JessiCA alba is damN hotT ), WIcKer PArK, FLightPlaN, BoraT, JacKaSs, The Illusionist, and Many more!!
Bo0o0kss?? damn im allergicc too boookss..! never heard of it huh? well its truee!! hahaha!!
RobErTO caRLoss...!! damN gooD! n Ma Dad.. He The BomB im gonna BE richer than him! soon dad! soon!