Writing, reading, spending time down the shore, planning our wedding, visiting the fam, icecream, chia lattes, cooking, cozy towns, finding great vegetarian food
Keane, Jewel, REM, Coldplay, Bright Eyes, Armor for Sleep, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ben Folds, Bryan Vander Arc, Iron & Wine, Polyphonic Spree, Frank Sinatra, anything classic
The Sound of Music, Best in Show, Wayne's World (I and II), You've Got Mail, Garden State, Closer
The Office, MSNBC, Gilmore Girls, Friends, All My Children, Family Guy, LOST
The Unbearable Lightness of Being: Milan Kundera; Harry Potter: J.K. Rowling; Writing Broadcast News: Mervin Block; Pride and Prejustice: Jane Austin