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Prophetess Joycelyn Barnett

.. Healing the Harvest Ministries, International .... A ministry commited to the total deliverance o

About Me

Joycelyn E. Barnett was born in West Palm Beach, Fl to the parentage of Bishop Septimus E. and Missionary Louise S. Reid. Although she was born into a godly household, Joycelyn rebelled against the church and the family's teachings. Spending her formative years in the fast and glamorous lifestyle of New York City proved to be an effective distraction. She lived wreck- lessly and dangerously on the streets of New York indulging in drugs and acohol until January 11, 1976 when an ordinary Sunday night became an extraordinary experience experience. Sitting on the back pew of a Brooklyn, New York church that her father pastored, Joycelyn finally heard the call of God. It was through the preached word of her spiritual mentor and good friend, Rev. Jacquelyn McCullough, that the power of God penetrated her heart, broke down soulish barriers and delivered her from the bondage of sin.

The path to the pulpit has been long and winding, but through her tenacity and commitment to the word of God, Joycelyn has delivered the Gospel by preaching and teaching throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and the Caribbean for the past twenty-nine years. After founding and pastoring the Rhema Word Ministries Church of God for sixteen years, Evangelist Joycelyn returned to the field of evangelist to maximize her ministry and intense desire to help others reach their potential and live a balanced life through the word of God.She has authored several books and pamphlets including "More Than A Conqueror" (a guide to spiritual warfare) and "The Loneliness of Leadership". Serval plays and manuals penned by her also characterize her ministry.

Prophetess Barnett earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Herbert Lehman College, Bronx, New York, and is also a graduate of the Church of God Ministerial Internship Program. Upon the leading of the Holy Ghost, she is currently a full-time minister of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Three adult children, Kori, Christopher and Angela know her as "Mom". She is the loving wife of Elder Terrance Barnett and the cherished sister of Bishop Michael Reid who together provide the loving support and encouragement needed to continue to embrace her destiny.

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Hosted By:   Holy Ghost Tabernacle      When: June 19th, 2008 Where: Goulds, Florida  Description: Pastor Angela Giles, Host PastorClick Here To View Event...
Posted by Prophetess Joycelyn Barnett on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 01:42:00 PST