I've been called a dork/nerd/geek/weird (but never twerp) on numerous occasions, and I don't take offense. I am what you would call a quasi-walking contradiction. On a good day, i'm only 5' tall, but sometimes my energy could reach the ceiling (not lately though..)
I'm a sarcastic person by nature and sometimes my sarcasm meter is so busted that I can't even tell if i'm being a smarty pants or if i'm being genuine--sometimes it's a little helping of both genuinosity and sarcastamagoria.
I can't stand it when people talk/type like they've never had an English lesson before (i.e. "u iz," "chu doing?" or UnDuLaTinG letters and whatnot), but I enjoy making up my own words and I'm a big fan of sporadic ellipses...I hate school, but I love learning *Nerd Alert*.
I'm asian but my fake asian accent/impression is worse than a lot of Non-Asians out there. But if you get me on the phone, you might think my accent-free-ness belongs to someone white. *how ironical*
Being complimented on physicality doesn't do anything for me or get my mojo flowing. I dislike people who are overly egocentric, but this blurb is all about me. Go figure.
You may not be able to tell from all the verbosity and such, but i'm somewhat quiet and reserved.
Other things about me are that: 5 is my favorite number. I'm right handed but can only snap my fingers with my left hand. I'm also triple jointed in all my fingers *me thinks* I like painting, drawing, & anything and everything artsy. I'm all about kickin' it old school and I'd like to think of myself as a goody goody--sans the tutu, wings, and sparkly wand.
It takes a lot to piss me off, but once you do, there's no going back. And I don't guilt easily, so there's no point in trying...unless you're trying to find out my threshold
Eating is my passion and I'm definitely more of a "salty foods" person than a "sweets" person, but i'm not going to turn down sour patch kids, cookies, cakes, etc given the chance. I'm also the Master of Randomness and incoherent thoughts...if you couldn't already tell. ;) And don't take anything I have to say too seriously because more likely than not--I'm just fvcking with ya. =)