ToUch rUgbY, cYcLinG. LisTeNiNg 2 mUsiC, pLaYinG mY pS2, wAtcHinG mOvieS, sEa sPorTs, OutDooR stUfF, dOinG uP mY tuScaNi @nD LoTs MoRe
hMmm !! anY fUn LovInG pEoPLe oUt tHeRe? hE He.... cRazY pEopLe... fRiendlY pEoPle... tHoSe dOwN 2 eArtH.... anY eASy - gOinG pEopLe.... tHoSe wHo LuVs 2 maKe fRens.... bUt tHey MuSt nOt b hYpOcRiteS..... lOOkInG 4wARd 2 mEet u peOpLe..... Myspace For Girls Only -
@nYthinG tAt iS niCe 2 tHe eAR..... RnB, eVerGreeN, hOuSe, tEchNo
Video provided by Videos For Myspace!!
LuV AcTuaLLy, ThE LaSt saMuRai (Tom Cruise is so cute), PreTTy wOmaN (can watch it over & over again esp, Richard Gere), AbYss, aLL of sTar waRs, ArmaGeddOn
RocKet pOweR, cHarMeD, 7 hEaVen, sMaLL viLLe, fEar FacToR, puNk'D, AmeRicaN fuNniesT hoMe viDeo, arT aTTacK (the artist damn cool man), c.S.i
ComiCs, roManCe noVeLs, ChicKen sOuP
MeeEe daDDy & MeeEe muMMy oF coS !!!!