tuScaNi gaL profile picture

tuScaNi gaL

u aiN't nOe nOtHIng aBouT mEee YeT....!!!!!!

About Me

yO!!!! i aM a veRy sImpLe PeRsoN... LuVs 2 cRack JoKes... LuVs maKiNg fReNs.... cRazY..... dOwN 2 eArtH..... dUn HaVe aNy MooD sWiNgs At AlL...LuVs 2 sMiLe c",)... eaSy - gOinG.... LoVing & rOmAnTiC.... u wOn'T reGreT GeTtiNg 2 nOe meEe.... buT i wiLl B sO qUieT tHe fIRst tImE u GEt 2 nOe MeEe ... BUt I wiLl B FulL oF cRaP wEn U Get tO nOE Me beTTeR... HeE hEe.... dUn beLiEve u cAn tRy dRoPiNg mE a maiL... iN faCT i haVe a foTopaGe wHeRe u caN sEe aLL mY piCs... iTs @ http://tuscanigal.fotopages.com iF u guYs r iNteResTeD iN LisTeNiNg 2 mY boRiNg LiFe sToRiEs i haVe juSt sTaRtEd a bLog tHis yEaR... u cAn fiNd iT @ http://www.xanga.com/tuscanigal wHiCh i aM sTiL uPdaTiNg (still under construction).. duN tHiNk gOnA uSe iT aNymoRe sO dUn fiNd mE tHeRe.. i'M @ fRieNdsTer.. cAn fiNd mE tHeRe wiTh tHiS eMaiL... [email protected] i'M aLsO @ mY raKan.. niCe pEopLe tHeRe tOo.. cAn aLso aDd mE tHeRe tHrO [email protected] oR u cAn aLsO aDd mE iN mSn wiTh tHis eMaiL... @ [email protected] fReE 2 dRoP mE aNy meSsaGeS...... aNywHeRe.. aNy tiMe oF tHe daY......

Stop using crappy sites, and get quality myspace layouts and graphics from pYzam.com , for real peoples!

My Interests

ToUch rUgbY, cYcLinG. LisTeNiNg 2 mUsiC, pLaYinG mY pS2, wAtcHinG mOvieS, sEa sPorTs, OutDooR stUfF, dOinG uP mY tuScaNi @nD LoTs MoRe

I'd like to meet:

hMmm !! anY fUn LovInG pEoPLe oUt tHeRe? hE He.... cRazY pEopLe... fRiendlY pEoPle... tHoSe dOwN 2 eArtH.... anY eASy - gOinG pEopLe.... tHoSe wHo LuVs 2 maKe fRens.... bUt tHey MuSt nOt b hYpOcRiteS..... lOOkInG 4wARd 2 mEet u peOpLe..... Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com


@nYthinG tAt iS niCe 2 tHe eAR..... RnB, eVerGreeN, hOuSe, tEchNo
Video provided by Videos For Myspace!!


LuV AcTuaLLy, ThE LaSt saMuRai (Tom Cruise is so cute), PreTTy wOmaN (can watch it over & over again esp, Richard Gere), AbYss, aLL of sTar waRs, ArmaGeddOn


RocKet pOweR, cHarMeD, 7 hEaVen, sMaLL viLLe, fEar FacToR, puNk'D, AmeRicaN fuNniesT hoMe viDeo, arT aTTacK (the artist damn cool man), c.S.i


ComiCs, roManCe noVeLs, ChicKen sOuP


MeeEe daDDy & MeeEe muMMy oF coS !!!!

My Blog


iTs bEeN a LoNg tiMe siNcE i LasT wrOtE A BLOg In My SpAcE... weLL... iM baCk.. LaSt weEkeNd wAs gReAt.. tHe seVeNs waS gReAt.. i onLy haD tHe cHanCe 2 bE doWn oN suNdAy.. buT i eNjoYeD tHe gaMe.. tO...
Posted by tuScaNi gaL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

..... siGh............

i feLL iN LuV wiTh u waTcHinG caSabLanCa baCk roW oF thE dRiVe-iN sHOw iN tHe fLicKeRinG liGht pOpcoRn & coKeS beNeaTh tHe sTaRs beCaMe cHaMpaGnE & cAviaR maKinG LuV oN a LonG hoT suMMeR's niGh...
Posted by tuScaNi gaL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

liFe iS sO boRinG.............. heLp......!

iN thE laTe hOuRs oF tHe niTe.... i aM siTTinG iN fRoNt oF mY pC.... liSteniNg 2 tHe soNg cAsabLanCa kEeP pLayiNg oN mY wMp....... & tRyinG 2 soRt thiNgs oUt..... y iS liFe so boRed...? iS iT wRonG...
Posted by tuScaNi gaL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

wOmeN... aPpLeS... mEn... wiNE.....

i tOOk tiS fRoM a fRen..... hoPe hE duN minD...... fiNd iT iNteResTinG & waNNa sHaRE wiT aLL yoU gaLs & guYs...... woMeN r liKe aPpLes oN tReEs..... tHe beSt oNeS r @ tHe toP oF tHe tReE..... mo...
Posted by tuScaNi gaL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

nO iDeA.....!

heY theRe 2 aLL...... gUeSs waT, i'M siCk toDaE... hE hE..... mY noSe iS ruNNinG..... cAn'T cAtcH iT....... i guEsS i'M goNNa dO tHiS joUrnaL thInG eveRydAe.... weN i'M fReE...... goTTa sLeeP eAr...
Posted by tuScaNi gaL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

mY fiRst joUrNaL enTrY.....

hEy theRe tO aLL.... tHiS iS mY fiRsT jOurnaL enTrY.... gUeSs iM boREd... hE! hE! guEsS wHeRe i aM riTe noW... iM suRfinG tHe NeT 4 fREe @ a coMmunIty cEntRe neAr mE pLAce... mY oFF daY.. todAy &...
Posted by tuScaNi gaL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST