Business marketing and international trade , commercial exchange (the field where i develop my skills), I like to involve in several and very diverse kind of projects related to trade shows, export projects, commercial agreements and global markets. I love also literature , travel , i find London exciting and i love to move on the buses of that city , I find Paris lovely also Milan and their food and girls one of the best. * me gusta de vez en cuando molestar psicologicamente a algunos fanfarrones cuyos profiles descubro por casualidad (por supuesto ninguno de ellos los tengo en mi lista de amigos) jajaja que no digan que viven en UK cuando no tienen una sola foto ahi , que no pongan que ganan arriba de $250,000 usd cuando se ve que no tienen ni para comprarse una soda , que no digan que son altos ejecutivos, surfers, musicos , publicistas y hasta chefs en sus ratos libres cuando tienen una cara de inutiles que no pueden ocultar, esas cosas las tolero en las chicas pero en los tipos......cmon! ah! como me encantan tambien los weyes a los que les mando requests para compartir pasiones como los bussiness o la musica etc. y no me agregan o si lo hacen pero nunca me contestan un email pero eso si hechan mano de las niñas bonitas que ven en mis tops y como perros bichis andan mandeles y mandeles comments y pic comments , lo bueno es que ellas ni los pelan suckers!!!!!!!!!! o tambien me piratean los grupos de rock poco conocidos que me gustan y se los anotan como descubiertos por ellos. oh my God. y al que le quede el saco que me borre de su list, I dont care patetics wannabies!!!!!
Anyone with high IQ , if you dont add to my friends list youre not in that building I guess so theres no point we discuss.Si te envie un request y eres un Melolengo/a (la mayoria de las veces es /a)con complejos no te preocupes presiona ese "Deny" que tanto placer e "importancia" (si tu asi lo sientes bueno)te da, yo se que es el unico lugar donde te puedes dar ese lujo porque en el mundo real sabes bien que no, asi que adelante y me alegra hacerte el dia.
music: I have had always a fascination with all sort of genres , Classic rock Beatles, Blue Cheer, Progressive: King Crimson, Godspeed you black emperor (like antennas to heaven cool!) Early Metal Sabbath, Zepppelin, Purpple, Punk: Fugazzi, Descendents, Stoner rock (wich i consider have been the best invention in the last years) Firebird , Cathedral, The Hellacopters , Spiritual Beggars , Sheavy, Sons of Caine (they are amazing!!!) Lunarmile , Juggernaut and lately i have been seduced by Jazz , i love Brad Mehldau , Charles Mingus, The dave Brubeck Quartet , John Coltrane (I like to find rare material).Rock, Punk , Jazz, Metal , alternative, country, Stoner Rock , 70s rock bands, Folk (I love folk)Mark Lanegan (my master of male tought), Cash, a bit of electronic. New OrderI love and support the female music movement. Tori Amos , Sarah, Anna Nalick , Allison Moorer, Heather Nova and my favorite Toni Marie from Lunarmile they are really cool and nice guys
The rules of attraction, Get Carter, Wilde, The Kid Stays In the picture, All the real girls, Backbeat, La Femme defendue, seventh heaven (french movie), Natalie X shes the one, Hilary and Jackie any Woody Allen job "take the money and run", I rather to see alternative and cult movies than commercial films
Not a TV junkie but if I have to mention something Coupling , Josh and Drake (my current fave), La dichosa palabra, the simpsons and Futurama
any Kafka work "the construction of chinesse wall" , "the trial", as well Kipling novels, Capote dramas "answered prayers" F. Scott Fitzgeralds, The Great Gatsby", weird and wonderfull words and More weird and wonderfull words by the Oxford Academy
Sir Winston Churchill, Leif Erickson, Richard BransonRobert Evans Career is most important in your life.
Having a high focus on career indicates that you are extremely focused on furthering you career right now. You don't mind working late at the office or sucking up to your boss because you know it will pay off soon.
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