Movies, Books, Music, especially live music.
Meeting someone like Steven Spielberg would make me speechless, and therefore would be pointless. Wow! what a gifted man. I would like to meet Kevin Smith, another insightful, wise soul. And George Lucas, although, I am not sure I would "get" our conversation the first run thru.
"Born to win, born to lose, The right is ours, which way we choose, It don't matter what clothes you wear, It's how you feel that makes you real" - The Last Resort, "Rebels with a Cause"Let's see... Varies quite a bit. Middlefinger, The Adicts, UK Subs, Ministry, Dave Matthews Band, Goldfinger, Les Saucy Pants, The Exploited, The Last Resort, My Life with the Thrill Kill Cult, REVCO, Cowboymouth, 30 Foot Fall, Pushmonkey, Social Distortion, Type O Negative, all the way to some Stevie Wonder, and Pat Green.
"Episode I, The Phantom Menace", "Episode II, Attack of the Clones", "Episode III, Revenge of the Sith" ( my fave of the 6), "Star Wars: A New Hope", "The Empire Strikes Back", and "Return of the Jedi". We are a BIG Star Wars family. I am also a fan of movies ranging from "Gone with the Wind" or "Casablanca", all the way to my husband and my new interest, blind samurai movies (Zatoichi). I love movies, because with technology, they range of what is out there is a good perspective of American and other cultural values and milestones, and views of what the future could be. As opposed to a book, which I love to read as well, a movie is a collabrative work of many imaginations coming together to present an idea, or interpretation of an event. No other medium is so expansive narrowed down to a singular, or as with the Star Wars movies, several, presentation(s).
"Grey's Anatomy", "The Sopranos", "Deadwood", "Rome". Biography Channel shows, "The Tudors", "Dexter", "CSI", various shows on A&E and The History Channel. HEROES, HEROES, HEROES, and more HEROES.
I have read all the books in the Anne Rice Collections, I enjoy books of a supernatural nature in general, but read almost anything, down to the back of bathroom cleaning products. You can never pass up an opportunity to learn! I have also read all but one of the Patricia Cornwell books, and I prefer the Kay Scarpetta series to her other works. And now I am hooked on the Phillipa Gregory books, can't get enough...
My Mom, my brother and my husband... I would be lost without them.