WASH MY NAME Delmar Arconado Dominno
WEN I WENT 1ST CRY? April 10, 1983
WAT I DRIVE 2005 black toyota tacoma. Yeah my big yellow bird is gone, sold, pau hana, heheh
SHTATUSH i shte taken shince March 2nd, 2005
EDUMACATION REAL WORLD: Maui Community College-Graduated May 15 2005
YOUNG ADULTS: Baldwin High School-Graduated 2001, 1997 to 2001
PRE-TEENS: Iao Intermediate School-1994 to 1997
BABY SCHOOL: Waihe'e Elementary School-1987 to 1994
LIKE DOIN N DOIN NOW I like to go to church, Iglesia Ni Cristo. play all kine sports, coached the Boys Air Rifle Team at Baldwin and now coaching at Maui High School. also an assistant coach for the Baldwin High School Boys Soccer team. Also wid da Hawaii Air National Guard so yeah, we're the weekend warriors. im on volunteer status as a PC Technician at Maui Community College so yeah, hehe. so if get questions, just ashk, no shame.
LIKE CHAT? AOL Instant Messenger: HawaiiWarrior87
Yahoo: mauitropix87
[email protected] (das my email to so yeah)
FONE NUMBA: no ashk me, u see da girl in my pix, ashk her
You Know You're From Hawaii When...
You can understand and speak PIDGIN english.
You go to dinner and "make one plate" with all the extra food leftover.
You automatically take off your shoes in people's homes.
You wear rubber slippers to the beach.
You eat rice every single day.
It's "shave ice" not"snow cones".
When you know NEVER to turn your back facing the ocean.
You know what ukus are and have had them at least once before when you was one little keiki.
You've been to almost all of the other islands.
You get impatient with all of those bikers on the road that came from Haleakala.
When someone says to "dress up" it means one nice aloha shirt and jeans.
You eat coconuts straight from the shell - and drink the juice.
You went to the War Memorial Stadium parking lot to learn how to drive.
You've worked in the pineapple fields.
You know where all the creepy places (like burial sites) are in the island.
You know you aren't supposed to whistle at night time, cross your chopsticks, or stick your fork straight out of your rice.
You have highlighted hair.
You eat Arare.
You know what "tutu" means.
You learned to play the ukulele in elementary school.
It's SHOYU, not soy sauce.
To you, sushi means sushi, not RAW FISH!
You eat malasadas.
You have a billion pairs of slippers in front your door when your family gets together.
Your house has residue from the salty ocean air.
You eat portuguese sausage, eggs, and rice for breakfast.
You buy large quantities of toilet paper in case there’s a longshoreman strike.
You don't understand why anyone would buy less than a 20 lb bag of rice...
You would serve spam as a meat for dinner...
You can taste the difference between teriyaki and kal-bi
You know why there are alphabets on trees on graduation day
You know what lei day is.
You know what the "stink eye" is; and how to give it.
You can correctly pronouce kalanianaole, kalakaua and aiea.
You know what a "Huli Huli Chicken" is.
You can name 3 varieties of mangos.
You know the difference between being hapa and being hapai.
You give directions using mauka and makai.
You know what it takes to get into kamehameha school.
You say, "Nori" not seaweed paper.
You say "Brah" not "Bro".
You know why Sharks Cove is called Sharks Cove.
Your jokes are about Portugese not Polish.
You know what "Morgan's Corner " is ... (And it still scares you!)
You think 70 degrees is freezing cold.
You call it "saimin" not "Top Ramen" .
The surf report is on your speed dial...
Rainbow Drive-Inn is a special date.
You know pineapples don't grow in trees.
When you hear the words "fund raiser", you know it means Zippy's Chili.
You have said "wat, owe you money?", "karang your alas", or "dakine".
You call public transportation "da BUS".
You go to Neiman Marcus "jus fo look".
The mainland people no can understand your language.
You eat mango with shoyu, vinegar, and pepper.
You like ume, daikon, and kim chee better than pickles.
You never understood why adding pineapple and ham to a pizza made it Hawaiian to the rest of the world.
You have a separate circuit breaker for your rice cooker.
You measure the water for the rice by the knuckle of your index finger.
The condiments at the dinner table are shoyu, ketchup, chili peppah watah, kimchee, takuwan, Hawaiian salt and pickled onion.
You go to Maui and your luggage home includes potato chips, manju, cream puffs, guri-guri and fresh saimin from Sam Sato's.
A balanced meal has three starches: rice, macaroni and bread.
You call everyone older than you "Aunty" or "Uncle" even though they aren't related to you.
Your philosophy is "Bumbai".
You are barefoot in most of you elementary school pictures.
Your only suit is a bathing suit.
You drive barefoot.
You feel guilt leaving a get-together without helping clean up.
The idea of taking something from a heiau is unthinkable.
You'd rather drag out the compressor and fill that leaking tire every single morning than have it fixed.
The only time you honk your horn is once a year during the safety check.
You can live and let live with a smile in your heart.
Nobody is sure exactly where "north" is.
Your cousin is Japanese-Chinese-French-Filipino-Korean-Scottish-Portuguese-
Hawaiian, plus some stuff too manini to mention.
You watch your favorite shows "on top the TV".
The best cooks all use lots of mayonnaise.
An approaching hurricane means only one thing – surf's up, brah!
"You like beef" has nothing to do with what's for dinner.
Beans are the perfect condiment for ice cream.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Hawaii.
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