...lady char... profile picture

...lady char...

About Me

Hoooola, I'm Charlotte. I have been living in Spain for about two years but i moved over from St Albans in Enggggland. Love living here but still miss my family and friends at home, and i actually miss the rain he he!! Probably coming back to the UK next yr to go to uni so look forward to seeing everyone again soon wohoooo!...=

My Interests


A little bit of everything does you good.


Romeo and Juliet, Leon, the sound of music, Riding in cars with boys, Psycho, 28 Days later, The Gremlins, Harry Potter, kidulthood...


Neighbours, supernanny, pingu!!...


Island, Body Rides, In the Dark, The girl next door, Live Girls, Rage, The Secret Garden, A boy called It, Quake, Night in the Lonesome October ...