regres profile picture


Zycie to hardcore... Regres to disco polo

About Me


One day in late 1999 Pablo and Ogur wanted to start new band (both of them was playing in some other bands). Some days later I and our good friend Michael had mission to do - play guitars. After first sound check with our new drummer (years ago he was playing in real punkrock band) problems came - our amps and bass guitar was stolen. About month later we must say goodbye to our second guitar player. One year later we decided to record first demo tape. After that we want to record second demo tape with new songs. Then we tried to find someone who will be interested in releasing regres. Robert from REFUSE rec. give us chance. We went to studio to record new album called "regres". It was year 2001. After one year we can celebrate our release party. In 2003 Refuse is releasing our second full lenght album called "Punk rock pozytyw". In 2004 band is going on first mini-europen-tour. In 2005 we where on our second mini-tour. For the first time we had chance to play in Serbia & Romania... but this is story for another article.

    W naszych dloniach (2006) - Refuse Records Punk rock pozytyw (2003) - Refuse Records Regres (2002) - Refuse Records

E-mail: [email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 8/23/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Pablo - voc
Ogur - bass
Marcin - drums
David - guitar
Record Label: Refuse
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Nowe koszulki (wreszcie) dostepne!

Kilka dni temu dotarla do nas dostawa z koszulkami.Ponizej zamieszczam zdjecia z nowym wzorem.Chcesz zamowic juz teraz? Pisz na naszego mejla [email protected] mejla In Our Hands records in_our_hand...
Posted by regres on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 08:02:00 PST

Odechciewa sie korzystac z MySpace

Wiecej informacji (czyli powod, dla którego sie odechciewa korzystania z MajLansu) znajdziecie w artykule na Gospodarka.Pozdrawiam, Dawid...
Posted by regres on Tue, 22 May 2007 01:54:00 PST

Prosta Droga zine

Po wielu bojach, zalamaniach i porazkach (glownie tymi zwiazanymi z drukarkami) na swiat wyszedl czwarty numer zina Prost Droga tworzony przez 1/2 regresu. 40 stron A5. Sugerowana cena: 3zlCo znajdzie...
Posted by regres on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 08:51:00 PST

Czy lansowanie ma przyszlosc?!

Ave!Tym razem o pewnej dyskusji na forum hard| Mianowicie poszlo o to czy zakladajac profil na myspace lansujesz sie (co dla niektorych moze oznaczac, ze jestes pozerem i szukasz takiego wyda...
Posted by regres on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 08:47:00 PST

No i stalo sie

Ja, wielki przeciwnik MySpace po namowie Pawla zalozylem profil naszego bendu na tym wlasnie serwerze... no wlasnie, stalo sie. Ale nie ma co plakac nad rozlanym mlekiem. Tak na prawde to nawet dobrze...
Posted by regres on Thu, 25 Aug 2005 12:55:00 PST