Pussy ..Ummm Pussy ..more Pussy and let me c here did i mention Pussy
Shit Well Ive met all my niggas already ...Id like to meet your pussy and mom and get to no some more pimps PiMps Unite...Yeahhhhhhhh!!!
ohh shit this is the hizzey iight it goes like this .....Rap, Punk,Crust,Oi F-MINUS- The Distillers- Rancid- Anti-Flag-Tsunami Bomb,Bouncing Souls,the hoods, The Unseen,The Bronx,sick of it all,The voids,The havoc, Nek-Romantix, Tiger-army, Oxymoron,The Casualties,Afi,Sex pistols,Discharge,Circle Jercks,Madcap,Gutter mouth,The Nerve Agents.,Looters,Blitz,the transplants,hanover saints,the business,U.S roughnecks,above the rest,,whisky rebels,Agnostic Front,HorrorPops,hepcat, Son oFSam,Lars Fredrickson and the basterds,Bleeding Through.Black Heart,Love=Death,The Cure, the deal,the romones,the exploided,Loftus, fang,Discharge,H20,Thought riot,star strangled basterds,U.S bombs,Black-flag, the DWARVES,The misfits,BAD RELIGION,ACDC ,Cheap SEX,Lower class brats,Defiance,career soldier,The virus,the adicts,litmus green,damnation,motochrist,the ducky boys,dropkick murphys,throwdown,Operation Ivy,Never again,Snoop dogg,50cent,2pac,Eazy E, Shizzle..OP And way more....
Gang$sta Movies -Bloode in Bloode out -Niggas in the out Filed -Boys in the Hood -Dont be a Menace -Porn
-The Simpsons -Bernie Mac -Method And red -That 70 Show Nigga MOre ..
Ohh yea i like Books They just give free Papers..
My Hero is Fox 11 news ..They always have news about a hommie getting shot up in the hood..::tears::: and they always have cops on cause you always c a black man running from a cop car helicopter if ya no wut i mean...thnx Fox 11.