Parker profile picture


The road to hell is paved with good intentions...

About Me

Los Angeles is my home and I will rep LA till the day I die. What a city. I am a graduate of UCSB and pretty much an eclectic mix of a multitude of odd passions and lusts. I thoroughly enjoy a nice aged progressive beat and conversely the serene feel of a old prestigious golf course. Since I first heard drum and bass, house and eventually the hard edged sounds of electro and prog, my life has not been the same. It simply moves me in more ways than one. I mostly groove the finely tuned, digitized sounds of Europe. But I am impartial to location. Since then I have aspired to become a DJ/producer and will work on becoming as great as I can. Innovation and originality drives me. I despise ordinary and love progress. I love meeting new people from differing walks of life and parts of the world. I lived in London for four months and cannot wait to go back to a more enlightened part of the world. I work in business/entertainment and finance world, but remain a democrat (You can have money...lots of it and still be a liberal). Politically I feel this world is fucked (for that very reason and others), But thats another story. I watch a huge amount of sports, movies and starting to enjoy some TV. I play constant golf, and show no signs of slowing down. Basically I love life and treat each day like I could be my last.

My Interests

Screenwriting, Denna, Wine, Electronic Music, Djing, Entertainment Industry, Film and Television, Financial Planning and Business Insurance, Film Finance and Producing, Golfing, Tech-House and Progressive House, Family, DJ/Club Culture, Reading, Skiing, Tennis, Los Angeles Dodgers, Politics, Existentialism, Amsterdam, London, Travel in General, Football

I'd like to meet:

People that want to come to the below NYE party...


I spin and listen almost exclusively: Techy, Mini, Dirty, Nasty, Hard-Edged, Crunchy, Party Beats (to those that don't know or care thats probably going to be tech-house, progressive house, breaks, techno and minimal/mini-tech).... Downtempto is also key. Old school hip-hop, rap, jam bands, reggae, jazz, classical, celtic, some new wave, and 80s.


The Lives of Others, Pan's Labryinth, Magnolia, Seven, American Psycho, Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang, Wonderland, Matrix, 12 Monkeys, Closer, Little Miss Sunshine, David Fincher movies, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Fargo, Fight Club, Wes Anderson movies, American History X, Rounders, Blow, L.A. Confidential, Memento, Shawshank, Star Wars series, Stanley Kubrick movies and other classically made films with an emphasis in artistic vision and innovation. Also some Sci-Fi.


Heroes, Rome, Extras, Sopranos, Nip/Tuck, Lost, Lucky Louie, Friday Night Lights, Family Guy, Sportscenter, ESPN, Curb, Seinfeld, Simpsons, Golf, other sports, CNN


Fight Club by Chuck Palaniuk and Stranger than Fiction by the same author. The Big Picture. Icon by Fredrick Forsyth. Rendezvous with Rama and the entire Rama series by Arthur C. Clarke. East of Eden by Steinbeck. Anything by Jean Paul Sartre, Nausea. The Big Picture by Epstein, Power Elite by C. Wright Mills. Culture and Imperialism by Edward Said. and the Passion of the Western Mind by Richard Tarnas. Brave New World isn't bad.


My father and mother, any dj, musician, or artist (and filmmakers) that makes art for the love and not for the money