Massage Therapy, Movies, SAVATE, Theater, Music, Pool, Darts, History, Family, Animals, Travel, Cars, Literature, Spectator Sports, Cards, Dancing,
Val Kilmer, (I would be his Huckle berry any time.) John Travolta, Will Smith, OZZY, any one from "The Dallas Stars Team"? Some good friends, old friends, new freinds, and even a few I went to High School with.I have meet the Love of my life... I can wait to spend the rest of my life with him.
Sleezus fist, The WAYWARD BOYS, Floggy Molly, Rob Zombie, The Horrifics, Ozzy, Disturbed, Poe, Linkin Park, The Donnas, Yuppie Pricks, Nerf Herder, AC/DC, the list is sooo very long
Tombstone, Silance of the Lambs, Enemy Mine, MIB, The Wedding Singer, Kill Bill, Enter the Dragon, First Knight, The Rock, A Knights Tale, ...
Who has the time?
Harry Potter, any thing by Piers Anthony, any thing by JRR Tolkien, a good dictionary, ( I am a terrible speller!)
My Sister, Jodie, Batman,Lorenzo,