Im just a typical Vietnamese boy. I like to do wild things with my boys. I go to SDSU and the reason i'm up here, hopefully to gather up all my new and old friends.
NaMe : Donny ChAU aKa Chay.
LoCaTiOn : rEpPiN` In Da 619, E= DAigo.
AgE: 22.
RaCe : ViEtNaMeSe, 100% AzN.
SkoO : SDSU.
eYes : dArk bRoWN, sUmTImex blUe
skIn : light sSkInned.
heIght : sHort 4 maH aGE 5*8.
wEigHt : abOut 131 lbs.
haIr : sPiKex .
sPikex = bOrwnIsh bLacK,_| o | 3 r 4 []_ | F 3TyPe Of MuSiKx : HiP HoP, raP, r&b, TeKnO, *Viet Pop.
CaRx : want to ryde in my AccoRd(AzN
tYpEz) .
TyPe oF GurLz : AsIaN, SwT, NoT DaT TaLL,
KiNd, geNOrOu,
fUnnY, gUrL wIt haIr stYLe.
*SmiL3 ish
Wat I foCuz On)
My Interests
volleyball, bonfire,surfing,
I'd like to meet:
Any One who wants to be my friend.
hiphop,trance Video provided by Jenny’s Music Videos