eating, sleeping, eating , begging (nicely of course..I dont whine..just stare) digging in the sand at the beach, Dog Beach in San Diego is the bomb, sniffing crotches, sniffing butts, lounging in the sun as it peaks thru the blinds, playing with my rope toy, fetch, chewing my raw hides, pulling tissue out of the garbage (my mom hates that one) treats treats and more treats... people who pet me.
I love my mom more than anyone...cuz she's the bestest...but I am an equal opportunity petee. SO come pet me. I want to meet other fury and non fury friends who have an appreciation for my muttiness and my mom's nuttiness. :P
I like drum and bass... and yodeling because it makes me howl and my mom gets a kick outta it.
All dogs go to Heaven and benji.Old yeller is scary and very sad..