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Heart is Yours

...my heart is yours...

About Me

A love doctor on myspace? I think not- doctors tend to cure things, and well I am just here to help, and hopefully give advice that will help. Plus topics such as love ... are very confusing things to understand, let alone cure. Some messages may be contradcicting but that's because there are different ways for different people to deal with. For instance, one way that a person deals with something, may not be the right route for another...
Introducing myself
The reason why I created this site is because I see people all the time confused, for simple but complex reasons. I'm not saying that I am omnicient when it comes to this topic, but I do know some things and the knowledge I know, I would like to share.
What do I think about love? Well love is something that everyone should experience, not with just family and friends, but with that special someone. I think that those who haven't experienced love, haven't lived life. Love is a great concept, although sometimes difficult to understand and work has to be put it in. But love is just one of those things that can make you extremely happy and show the real you...


1. Even though I give advices they are NOT, I repeat are NOTguaranteed to be 100% effective... They are only ADVICES
2. I do NOT promise that you will find love or will fall in love... I work like a genie when it comes to love. It is not PROMISED because it is just something that you CANNOT mangle with.
So here we go, browse through the topics, message me if you have any questions and I will be glad to help you. Tell your friends about me if you like what you read...August 23 2005
No matter how much we don't like to catergorize people, we end up doing it because quite frankly it is easier on us and helps us to distinguish people. Plus it serves as a survival mechanism as we guard ourselves from those who are in certain catergories.. here we go.
Hopeless Romantics
They are those who have that perfect definition of love and how their love life ought or "should be". There's nothing wrong with being a hopeless romantic although there are some downsides, just like there is in everything. They tend to become impatient and want their "soulmate" or "prince charming" to be right there waiting for them as they are waiting for them.. am I right? Or they are those who become disappointed because the one they are with, do not fit into that definition of "love" that they have carried with them since they can remember.
1. To the impatient hopeless romantics It is one thing if you are young- preteens or even teengers. (and if you are older and believe you need to find someone now, read on to the other section) For those young impatient hopeless romantics... the time will come, when the time is right. Yes it may be a bit depressing watching the Notebook or watching your friends as they are always with the "Love of their life", but hey things are different for each individual. If you are young and watching that special someone hoping that they can like you as you like them, truthfully they may not be interested into committing so early. Keep in mind, being young and all. Now I am not saying that young people can't fall in love, because they do and falling in love does not come a certain age... but wait it out and don't stress about finding your soulmate so much. Everything happens for a reason.
2. To the always disappointed hopeless romantics You may have envisioned a gorgeous girl or a handsome guy with the best qualities and personalities. You may have envisioned what your "perfect" guy/girl is but hey, this is the real world You can't have that perfect person down to the tee, because Barbie or Ken does not exist . If you find someone or have someone that you absolutely love or even adore but have one LITTLE flaw.. keep them! You may not find them ever again..The "Players"and "Playettes"
They are those who do not want to deal with commitment, thus do not commit to one person. But at the same time, they do not want to be a loner so they build bridges to attain friendships, plutonic and sexual relationships. They love the feeling of challenges, thus they play games and see if they can get away with the games they play. They can also be very indecisive, which disables them from choosing one of the couple or few options they have, options meaning individuals they are with.
1. To those getting played and want to end the game.
- It's pretty simple and straight forward. First step is, figure out if he or she is REALLY a player or playette. Those signs are not really hard to read. Do not make ANY assumptions and get your facts straight. Next step is actually accept the type of person you are with. Accept the fact that you ARE getting played, realize and know that things are tainted Take your time and think about what it is that you actually want out of that relationship. If you are sick and tired of the game, it's simple... FORFIT! Even though "forfitting" sounds like quitting, it's YOU who are ending the game and freeing yourself from gettin hurt. YOU end up winning in the end. Plus, why would you do that to yourself?
2. To those getting played and want to play too
- Think about what you are getting yourself into. If you are brave enough to play the little mind games that are being used on you, just be prepared for it. IT IS TRUE that if you like or loved someone, you SHOULD let it go because if it comes back, then that means it is yours and WAS yours to begin with..
3. To the players and playettes
The game only goes on for so long, do not be suprised if the game is played on you. I'm pretty sure that you will reach a point in your life where you just want to settle down.
The Loners
Sorry people, the word loner sounds bad but this is a broad catergory just like the others. They are those who are just afraid of commitment because of shyness and insecrities about themselves which prevents them from opening up to people. Just like players and playettes, commitment is a very hard thing but they do not reach that point where they mess around people. At the same time they are hopeless romantics themselves who watch couples but do not ever do anything about it. The other group that falls under this catergory is those who are always single and would like to do just about anything to find the right person. They try too hard, and thus ironically does not get them anywhere and they are without anyone but themselves.
1. To those who will not take chances
Without taking chances, chances are you will always be a loner. Sorry to say but if you haven't tried at all, meaning AT ALL, then that will not get you anywhere. First step is to face your insecurities and deal with it. Everyone has their own flaws whether they like it or not, but hey like I emphasized before, we are not perfect . Go out, meet new people, especially if you are one anti-social person. I know that you don't like being lonely and without someone, who does? And you know it too. And to those who think too much about "what if/ maybe he/she does or does not like me .." STOP THINKIN' and just do what your heart tells you. Stop the shyness and "jump" because who knows maybe you will "fall" in love.
2. To those who are always singles fo trying too hard
Yes we know you don't like to be single,but don't try too too hard! We know you try to get people's numbers even if you aren't all that interested at he club, at the mall, online, for the sake of taking that chance thinking that you might actually find that person. They also tend to act differently from who they really are and put on an act thinking the person will like them. Be yourself! If you are not yourself with someone, what happens throughout the relationship?
The "Wifey" and "Hubbie" material Last but not least, the "wifey" and "hubbie" material. They are those who ultimately, everybody wants. The hopeless romantics praise them as they are exaserbated that their dreams came trues, the players and playettes appreciate them after the games are done and over with and they are finally ready to settle down, and the loners crave them as they too are floating on air when they finally find them. They are those who you can be yourself with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. And even on that extra day on leap year. They become your friends and complanions as well as your lover as you have reached that highest point of affection and feelings that you never thought you will reach, for anyone. Relationships- friendly but at the same time sexual. You look through the flaws and you reach a point where everything is balanced and everything that you have searched for in someone,is there. They cater to you as you would to them, and there is reprocity in your love.
To those who have found that person, what else to say but to keep them . People like that are unparalleled if you really feel for them..

My Blog

Puppy Love|Infatuation|Obsession| vs True Love...

I've decided to break things down for everyone just in case you are in a situation where you do not know what type you are in. Puppy Love- This type of love usually comes in the adolescent years ...
Posted by Heart is Yours on Wed, 24 Aug 2005 09:17:00 PST