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How does a 15-year-old hailing from sleepy Rimouski elbow her way into the big wide world of electro? For DJ mini, it all started when she felt the vibe at her first rave in Montreal. Subsequent heavy exposure to techno, new wave and German squarewave productions provided further impetus. The result is an original album, out this August, with a sound like no other, merging dirty-bass lo-fi textures with intimate, personal, melancholic melody lines; marrying square, spare sounds to round, airy ones.
Moving from her early deck duties at Blue Dog to a first residency at Blizzarts, and standout gigs at electromeccas in Quebec and Europe, Mini finally unpacked her gear bag at Montreals Le Parking in September 2003. Since then, as the clubs resident DJ and artistic director of its Overdose events, shes made Thursday nights wild and crazyand the talk of the town. In between sharing her lab space with a bevy of world-renowned artists including Ellen Allien, Tiga, John Selway, Zombie Nation, David Carretta, Laurent Garnier and Miss Kittin, Mini also keeps after-hours lovers pumping till the wee hours a few streets away at Aria, where shes shared the decks with the likes of Green Velvet, Vitalic and Boy George. Shes also rounded out her résumé with musical contributions to various festivals and experimental projects, from live painting sessions with the group Lattakeuse Dimage to a more recent collaboration with the Opéra de Montréal as part of TechnOpera, a project to set various classical opera themes to experimental electronic music.
With a background marked by such singular encounters and experiences, small wonder Mini was moved to refract all those influences into a single opus, which drops in fall 2006. Its called Audio Hygiene. A title that evokes a sonic cleansing, an antidote to the redundancy of force-fed pop. Minis unique creative recipe melds organica and electronica over synth and sub bass lines, with healthy dollops of samples and ambient noisesincluding soundbites captured from circuit-bent toys shes made herself. Stir in remixes of, and a vocal duet with, Frances legendary Eighties goth-rock/synthers Trisomie 21, along with a guest appearance by fellow Montrealers Lesbians on Ecstasy on the track Ego Trip, and enjoypreferably on the dancefloor.
Despite the Mini moniker, this artists signature, decidedly, gets attention.
Mini –Dates for 2008
* Residencies : Overdose at Club Parking every thursday.
* Circus After-Hour.
* Bily Kun Bar once a month.
(middle east - dates available, please email me)
28, Ottawa, TBA
27, Montreal, Club Parking
20, Montreal, Club Parking
17, BAT, Jordany
07, Cotton Candy @ Beyrouth, Liban
06, Montreal, Club Parking
30, Montreal, Club Parking
24, Montreal, Tiga's second album launch @ SAT
23, Montreal, Club Parking
18, Montreal, Bily Kun Bar
17, Quebec, Le Cercle ***date postponed***
16, Montreal, Club Parking
11, Paris, France, Private event
10, Paris, France, La Flèche d'Or
27, Geneva, Switzerland, Le Zoo / Usine
26, Lyon, France, Ninkasi
19, Sherbrooke, Le Téléphone Rouge (Tight Tour 2008)
18, Montreal, Overdose, Club Parking
16, Montreal, Salon Daomé
13, Live @ Salon de la musique indépendante de Montréal, Petit Campus
11, Montreal, Overdose, Club Parking
10, Quebec, Tight Tour 2008***postponed to november 7th***
06, Montreal, Bily Kun Bar
04, Montreal, Overdose, Club Parking
30, Montreal, Pik Nic Électronik with Jennifer Cardini
28, Montreal, Overdose, Club Parking with Steve Bug
22, Montreal, Circus After-Hour
21, Montreal, Overdose, Club Parking with Petter & Fairmont live
14, Montreal, Overdose, Club Parking
08, Montreal, Bal Fétiche, Bain Mathieu
07, Montreal, Overdose with Smash Tv, Club Parking
02, Montreal, Bily Kun Bar
01, Montreal, MEG Festival, Saboteur showcase (Tight Tour 2008) ***cancelled***
31, Montréal, Overdose with Misstress Barbara @ Club Parking
25, Toronto, *** date postponed***
19, Montréal, Bily Kun Bar
17, Montréal, Overdose, Club Parking
13, Québec, Festival d'été closing party @ Le Cercle (Tight Tour 2008)
11, Montréal, Circus After-Hour (main room)
10, Montréal, Overdose @ Club Parking (Tight Tour 2008)
03, Montréal, Overdose @ Club Parking
27, Montréal, Big City Night @ Foufounes Électriques feat. Butta Beats (Tight Tour 2008)
26, Montréal, Overdose with Kiko @ Club Parking
21, Montréal, Bily Kun Bar
19, Montréal, Overdose, Club Parking
14, Montréal, party Insousolite (private)
12, Montréal, Overdose @ Club Parking
12, Montréal, Terrasses Bonsecours 5 à 7
05, Montréal, Overdose with The Glimmers @ Club Parking
24, Montréal, Bily Kun Bar
22, Montréal, Overdose @ Club Parking
15, Montréal, Kinetik after-party with Ascii Disko @ Overdose, Club Parking
15, Montréal, Festival Kinetik with Ascii Disko, Nitzer Ebb, The Horrorist @ Usine C
10, Montréal, AF344 @ Théatre sans fil with Delon & Dalcan & Olivier Giacomotto
08, Montréal, Overdose with Ellen Allien & Sascha Funke @ Club Parking
03, Montréal, Circus After-Hour @ Gallery room
01, Montréal, Overdose @ Club Parking