Music, Netflix, Dvd Series, Plane tickets, job hunting, acting, Hollywood, Sam, Lauren, applesauce, tortellini and alfredo.
People who have similar interests and goals as me, as well as people who I can help and who can help me with my career. Will Smith is aight tho too.
I own 10.7 days of music. However, these are the epic musicians: Death Cab For Cutie, Dashboard Confessional, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Format, Limbeck, Say Anything, Regina Spektor, Joss Stone, Jewel, Rilo Kiley, John Mayor, Eyedea & Abilities, Beach Boys, Beatles, Hanson, James Taylor, Snow Patrol, Her Space Holiday, Stars
What Dreams May Come, Romeo and Juliet, Garden State, Everything Illuminated, Elizabeth Town, Lion King, 10 Things I Hate About You, Catch Me if You Can, Chicago, When Sally Met Harry, Harry Potter, X- Men, Spiderman, Thirteen, Walk The Line, Notebook
Dexter, The Sopranos, Gilmore Girls, Charmed, Friends, Dead Like Me, Lost, Grey's Anatomy, Sex and the City.
Fahrenheit 451, Harry Potter, all of Tamora Pierce's books, Great Gatsby, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Dreamland, When Things Fall Apart, The Art of Happiness, Someone Like You, Cold Mountain, 1984
I can't pick one but I just need to say that people should stop being so harsh to people. Good people get brought down all the time. Christ was crucified, they used to try to lynch the Buddhas. Maybe think twice before your cruel, you may be my hero.