I'd like to meet:
A decent person that won't treat me like shit and stab me in the fucking back when things get serious or committed...
MOSTLY alternative, hardcore and metal, but I can stomach just about anything, ESPECIALLY when booty comes into play.... ...that's a joke... ha ha... haha.
Hard, nasty, defiling smut, CKY, death files (banned in the US), scary movies, NIN and Perfect Circle DVD's, Sealab and pretty much anything that's funny. NAPOLEAN and ANCHORMAN RULLLLE!!!! ..why don't you go find your grandma or something!..you're bugging the heck out of me!...GOSH!
Not real big into the TV scene... I like going out so I can see the real thing uncut.
Club, Hustler and any other nudie mag sporting penetration.... if you're talking about REAL books!?... well, I can't stay awake for more than the first 2 paragraphs, even if the characters are doing something nasty or just bad...
Well, some of the better porn stars, a few tattoo artists, my moms, the IRS... um, that's all for now. Oh yeah, superman. But isn't he everybodys hero?