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I am here for Friends

About Me

A rather typical Aquarian who lives life in the and white are areas I side step. Adventure presents itself constantly in different forms whether it be change or challenges....I welcome all as this is what defines me as an individual...the choices and friends I make along the way only enrich and color my life.My greatest joys in life are my friends (which include my numerous four legged friends) and the time I spend with each. I love meeting new people and sharing ideas and thoughts...encouraging others to step outside their "safe" boxes/paradigms and experience life and the unknown. Take a walk on the wild side and look back by saying "damn..that was an awesome ride...let's do it again!".My life experiences have been many, often times memory tries to decipher reality from my whimsical childlike wishes/dreams of "what could have been". Continuing on this road of adventurous uncertainty keeps me hopeful as I continue to meet unique and wonderful new characters that further add color and memories to an already day-glo life.

My Interests

Art intrigues me...especially work that encompasses childhood memories. My brother and I have an art gallery in downtown Indianapolis which encompasses such artwork:http://www.excellentvirtu.comA love for water sports to include sailing/surfing/snorkeling. Keeping abreast of world politics and voicing my opinion which is often...without voices change will not occur...without courage to make changes complacity rules and our world will further darken by shadows of ignorance and fear.

I'd like to meet:

Passionate souls that describe their feelings via numerous avenues to include writing, poetry, film and music.I love the stories and experiences shared by the elderly. To live and understand aspects of life through others lifes experiences is an extraordinary gift.I would love to have met Gandhi, Jack London, Mark Twain, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, King Arthur, Dave Packard & Bill Hewlett and Sacajawea.I'd love to meet Bill Clinton, Shirley McClain, Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou, Bette Midler.


Lets Eat/Katie Reider/KT Tunstall/Two Chix & A Drum/Tori Amos/James Blunt/Rachel Yamagata/Susan Marshall/Classic Rock to include Led Zepplen/Doors/Eagles/any Southern rock/Keane/Maroon 5/David Lanz/Babs/Blues/Jazz


Gandhi, Godfather 2 & 1 (in that order:), Gone with the Wind, Somewhere in Time, The Notebook, Mildred Pierce, Brideshead Revisited When Harry Met Sally, An Affair to Remember


Dexter/Weeds/Mad Men/The Tudors/CNN/Lou Dobbs/Football/Discovery Channel/Classic old movies/


Count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas) Hawaii (James Mitchner) The Celestine Prophecies (James Redfield) The Call of the Wild (Jack London)


Gandhi/Al Gore and all those with the courage to step forward when others would not...standing solid in their beliefs not for themselves, but for those who will be most affected by the outcome of their foresight and actions in the many years to come.

My Blog

Ever Have a Really Really Bad Hangover?

That's probably the only way I can describe  how I'm feeling the last couple weeks.  Weekends spent in little white rooms sucking down pain killers. Last week was the second of my three heav...
Posted by Georgie on Tue, 06 May 2008 10:04:00 PST

Whew....that was a wild ride

Boy....oh boy....last week was a rough one.  Where do I start?  Well let's go back to Friday as that's as far as I can be exact on what has happenned lately:) LOL....oh man....keep saying th...
Posted by Georgie on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:00:00 PST

Lets Try This Again

I've tried writing this new blog three times now, but coherency isn't my friend at the moment.  The chemo pack came off yesterday (I had to wear for 96 hours  after the 9 hours of regular ch...
Posted by Georgie on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 05:43:00 PST


Okay...9 hours of chemo yesterday....a little nausea set in near the end as it is right now.  I was hooked up to a fanny pack machine that continues to give me chemo for an add’l (96)hours....
Posted by Georgie on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 06:03:00 PST

This Sucks!!!

I said it felt like a  Miller day and low and behold....there’s no beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And even better you can’t buy beer on Sundays here in Indy!!! 
Posted by Georgie on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:24:00 PST

Feels Like a Miller Kind of Day;)

Dude it’s been a while since I’ve written.  I’ve been kind of drained lately...more mentally than anything.  So I saw the oncologist Friday (after seeing the radiologist on...
Posted by Georgie on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 12:01:00 PST

A Guinea Pig I Shall Be:)

So I was accepted for the clinical trial at IU.  They discussed at their weekly staff meeting and agreed I’d make a good candidate.  So I’m slotted for a date next Friday.  ...
Posted by Georgie on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 06:03:00 PST

One Day at a Time

Boy life has been a whirlwind as of late.  Well I spent 4 hours at radiologist on Friday and they explained everything...more than I wanted to hear. I was told that the radiation/chemo I will be ...
Posted by Georgie on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 10:40:00 PST

This wasn’t in the brochure!

Alright now.....So my vacation last week included quite a few things that were certainly not listed in the brochure!  For instance my attire opened in the back & front...and it was an awful s...
Posted by Georgie on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 03:03:00 PST

Another Day in Paradise’s been a heck of a week and it’s only going to get better.  I’m starting to think that all lesbians have an expiration date stamped somewhere on our assess that apparen...
Posted by Georgie on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 10:34:00 PST