I CAN'T Live without MUSIC!...I LOVE to Dance and Sing (Even though I can't), Cars, Sports, Photography...I'm a beer girl Mmm Bud-weis-er!, I'm a lil over obsessed with coloring my hair haha, BEACH BUM!, I Like to go riding and get dirty...Some four wheelers... fitty hundys... street bikes you know how we do! Yess and race some cars at F1 fun times!, And yes of course ShoPPinG! Anything FUN!!!
Love by ruby mae
Your name
Your partner
You two are Meant for eachother
Your meeting was by Choice
They are your Strength
You are their One and only
Your love will Never end
Quiz created with MemeGen !
You Are an Appletini
Most of the time, you're a typical party girl / guy.
But when you get super sauced, you really up your sex appeal.
cuz everytime we touch I feel the static and everytime we kiss i reach for the sky can't you feel my heart beat slow i can't let you go need you in my life...
Anything basically.... R&B, Some Rap, Reggae NOT Reggaeton!, Hip Hop, Country YEEEHAWW!, Dance, Old School, Metal/Rock. Some Techno, I like to shake my lil booottaayyy!
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Dirty Dancing, Empire Records, My Cousin Vinny, Shawshank Redemption, Dazed and Confused! Many more...
What I love are the people who don't care if they are ever part of shit they're better off, And what I love even more are the LOSERS who can't hold steady jobs and who talk all this shit... Where are you gonna be in 10 years pumpin my gas bitch!
Don't Mis Understand Me Cuz I Want You I See You On The Floor Baby I Want You...Check out DJ PLAY click this linkJ*T*M