ஐღஐFRaNceL loVEs BCஐღஐ profile picture

ஐღஐFRaNceL loVEs BCஐღஐ


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miRiam fRAnceL tabaJonda saLAzar is my real name.. But my friEnds cALL me ian,bUnsO,miRi-am, and lastly my mOm call me mEngGay my childHooD name..heHe.. Im juSt 16 and iM in cOLLege,, studyiNg at Technological University of the Philippines and im taking my deGree coUrse whiCh is Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education major in Computer Education.. And of course Intellegent.. FRiendly.. Understanding.. Lovable.. Approachable.. Has a fear in god.. this is my descriptions.. The International Pop Icon "BILLY CRAWFORD" is my idol.. I like him a lot since elementary..I alway listening to his soNgs.. And also his mOves..(gRabe pag Sumayaw na siya kiNikiLig akO..) Billy's major concert at big dome,,wOOoow.. I really amaze.. I cant imagine that I saw him.. I enjoy the show even though there is so many people(Billy Crawford ba naman eh talagang madaming tao).. The best concert ever.. There is no other than Billy Crawford talaga../i'm SeXy, i'm cUtE! i'm p0puLar tO bo0t! i'm BitChiN', gReAt hAiR! D b0yS aLL LoVe t0 StArE! i'm wAnTeD, i'm h0t! i'm eVeRytHiN' y0' n0t! i'm pRettY, i'm c0oL i d0miNaTe tHa sCh0oL! Wh0 aM i? JuSt guEsS! GuYs waNna t0uCh mAh cHeSt! i'm r0cKiN'! i sMiLe! AnD mAnY tHinK i'm ViLe.. i'm fLyiN', i JuMp! Ya cAn LoOk bUt dOn'T yA huMp! Who0! i'm mAj0r, i r0aR! i sWeAr i'm n0t a Wh0rE! i cHeEr aNd i LeAd! aCt LiKe tHat i'm oN sPeEd! DoN't hAtE me cAuSe i'm beAuTifuL, hAtE mE c0z y0' bOo tHinKs i'm irReSiStibLe'.. gUrLz RuLe tHa sTrEeTz.. bOunCe..[b]What Miriam Francel Means[/b][img]http://www.blogthingsimages.com/whatdoesyourna memeanquiz/name.gif[/img]M is for MagnificentI is for IdealR is for RefinedI is for IrresistibleA is for AstoundingM is for MoralF is for FlawlessR is for RelaxedA is for AmorousN is for NormalC is for ClassyE is for ElitistL is for Loving[b]What Does Your Name Mean?[/b][url]http://www.blogthings.com/whatdoesyournamemean quiz/[/url]

My Interests

i really love _BILLY JOE CRAWFORD_ i like he's move he's voice he's songs he's face and especially he's attitude..all i want is to see and make friend to my i and only idol BILLY CRAWFORD..

I'd like to meet:

id'e like to meet people from the other side, people who can join me jumping into horizon, and fly with me in space...

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Before... Bright Lights... You got it... Like That... Its time... Should've Known... Urgently Inlove... When You're Inlove With Someone... Never My Love... Trackin'... Me Passer de Toi... 3 Wishes... Steamy Nights... Why... Know U Wanna... Cowboy... Surrender... Candy Store... When You Think About Me... I Did'nt Expect That... Waterfalls... Ride... If It Is Alright... Im Serious... I WIsh... Gotta Catch Up to You... Changing My Color... Without Your Love... Man Enough.. Work It,Body... She's Mine.. Someone Like You...***_-_-_-_-***billy Crawford's SongS***-_-_-_-_***


dominion:prequel to the exorcist.. if only.. maid in manhattan.. a walk to remember.. just my luck.. freaky friday's.. mean girls.. bring it on 1,2,3..


..sOrRy I bAreLy watCh tV.. but I likE billy CrawfOrd's sHowS.. June 10,2007: Move,,July 11, 2007: A Salute to Billy(sis),,July 22, 2007: kay susan tayo..,,August 11, 2007: Billy in the House!(just4nuts),,October 21, 2007: Telecast of Billy Crawford's 1st major concert(snbo)"moVe Baby mOve"


..ahMmm,,, soRry I'm nOt rEading bOOks..


no otHer tHan Billy Crawford oF cOurSe...