People, Film, Writing, Photography, Traveling, Learning, Questioning, Building, Finding, Searching, Planning, Being Loved.
Only the positive need to stop by. I would lke to meet Cindawg's baby. . .
World Music, true Hip Hop, Jazz, Reggae, Salsa. As much as I love music, I also enjoy the power and rhythm of SILENCE. . .
This is a hard one for me to answer as a filmmaker, but I can say that I'm a Coming to America, Color Purple Junkie. I like "In America" I like beautiful films stylistically as well as content. I like documentaries and colorful eclectic films.I like a beautiful Japanese film called Toyko Story 1953. It's deep.My favorite film is something I have yet to Produce.
Sometimes. Ok I have some geek in me - I love the show HOUSE and I don't miss an episode thanks to Tivo. I enjoy Jeopardy, Planet Earth and this show called Last One Standing.
I am a fan of Mothers, my mother, my grandmother (God Bless her), my mother-in-law, Ayana, Ma'at(lives up to her name), Matajii, and those that have paved the way for Us as a People. Revolutionaries, Fidel, David Walker, HPW, BEN CALDWELL, Assata, Nehonda. . .POLITICAL REFUGEES