_neLLe_ profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

and a i love almost everything about mylife,... i really love pampering myself,sometimes anextrovert to some people and a happy-go-lucky carefreegurl! Poised but clumsy. im crazy & im hella lazy,I ampatient, but don't push me to the limit. I stand by mywords as well as I stand by my ground, though Im a littleindecisive; a bit hesitant because I try to makes thingsright. But I know when I'm wrong and I admit it. (what?sometimes, haha!) I am also a sweetie..I love tomake "lambing" :) Since, i just want simple things inlife, making my friends laugh and be happy makes my day. Iget bed-lazy and really really moody oftentimes, also i'malways known for the mataray look, i am but not withfriends that i'm close to.. I can also be possessive andjealous at times and quiet because of my mood streak.hehehe. I also get tantrums. So beware! I love laughingout loud with my fabulous friends,well..just being what iam and talking nonstop and updating each other onwhatever. i spent my best days in school about it.. itruly believe that everything happens for a reason.Im easyto please but I do have standards. im genuine to those whodeserve it and I really dislike people who talk behindbacks of friends, those who can't find anything elsebetter to do with their lives so make others difficult. Idon't care about what other people say about me cuz Idon't owe them anything. As much as I love gaining weight,I have to admit that I really love sleeping..eating?! uhmsometimes, .. We only live once right, so why not make thebest of it.........INDULGE!I'm a homebody................and i'm proud to be one! ButI want to make it clear that I am not conceited. So I'llreserve the other things about me for you to find out. Askme! I don't bite! ..This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!

My Interests

i love clothes,i truly love praises..i want everybody's attention on me.. =pi love make ups and accesories! love them soo much!..

I'd like to meet:

a guy who can make me HAPPY!no,you dont nid cars just to impress me...it's just someone who would LOVEme and never LEAVE me..those who can appreciate the simple things about life. Oldfriends. true friends. acquaintances. new friends arewelcome as well. someone REAL...who's not afraid to arguewith me not just for the sake of going against my thoughtsand opinions but because it means that he's listening, canthink on his own feet, sincere, and is true to himself.someone who's able and willing to accept me for who i was,who i am, and who i decide to become..People WithSubstance.. actually, as long as you're nice, we'llclick!ME & U (Cassie)

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rnb..rnb..sexy music..love songs..

Gwen Stefani - 4 In The Morning


spiderman,freaky fiday,princess diaries,mean girls,cheaters, matrix,LOTR,whatever it takes, armagedon, my sassy girl,a walk to rmember,the notebook,cinema paradiso


mtv punk'd,mtv rock'd,sex and the city,smallville,buzzzz,spongebob squarepants, worlds craziest videos,ripleys believe it or not, the amazing race, gilmore girls,mtv dismissed,PIMP my ride,newlyweds, mtv cribs.the assitants..desperate housewives, highschool reunion


the little prince..davincecode,angels and demons,if tomorrow never comes,confession of a broken heart..


GOD,my mum..my grand father..miz him so much...my baby xander*muah

My Blog

him..ends with the letter S

It happened so fast that i duno how to deal with it this past few months. Though i was able to get over thinking of what should i do, still i know deep inside of my heart that im still wishing for thi...
Posted by _neLLe_ on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 12:32:00 PST


LONELINESS** I don't even know if he still thinks of me Once he got onboard that unforgiving train I imagine that he whiled away the time Through the cold gray morning and the city rain Thinking of so...
Posted by _neLLe_ on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 08:32:00 PST


 wat wud u do if u fall for a guy hu is so impossible to be with? i mean your currently in a relationship then all of the sudden you found yourself kissing and touching with someone else? complic...
Posted by _neLLe_ on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 03:15:00 PST


I want to tease you, I want to please youI want to show you, baby, that I need youI want your body 'till the very last dropI want you to holler, when you want me to stopAnd who can love you like me (n...
Posted by _neLLe_ on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 05:38:00 PST

im helpless..HELP!

dunno why... ive been waiting for him for so long and now i have to let him go...why do i have to loved somebody if he can't be mine?  i was damn sure i can have him with all my heart but then, i...
Posted by _neLLe_ on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 05:31:00 PST

goin crazy

Goin' CrazyEver since the day you went away And left me lonely and cold My life just hasn't been the same Oh baby no When I looked into your eyes The moment that I let you go I just broke down (d...
Posted by _neLLe_ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

freaky m e

Freak me baby, Freak me Baby, Freak me baby, Freak me baby Let me lick you up and down till you say stop Let me play with your body baby make you real hot Let me do all the things you want me to do...
Posted by _neLLe_ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

one thing..by finger eleven....

FINGER ELEVEN LYRICS "One Thing" Restless tonight Cause I wasted the light Between both these times I drew a really thin line Its nothing I planned And not that I can But you should be mi...
Posted by _neLLe_ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i think god can explain.........

There's a lot of things I understand And there's a lot of things that I don't want to know But you're the only face I recognize It's so damn sweet of you to look me in the eyes It's alright, I'm...
Posted by _neLLe_ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST