i love clothes,i truly love praises..i want everybody's attention on me.. =pi love make ups and accesories! love them soo much!..
a guy who can make me HAPPY!no,you dont nid cars just to impress me...it's just someone who would LOVEme and never LEAVE me..those who can appreciate the simple things about life. Oldfriends. true friends. acquaintances. new friends arewelcome as well. someone REAL...who's not afraid to arguewith me not just for the sake of going against my thoughtsand opinions but because it means that he's listening, canthink on his own feet, sincere, and is true to himself.someone who's able and willing to accept me for who i was,who i am, and who i decide to become..People WithSubstance.. actually, as long as you're nice, we'llclick!ME & U (Cassie)
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rnb..rnb..sexy music..love songs..
Gwen Stefani - 4 In The Morning
spiderman,freaky fiday,princess diaries,mean girls,cheaters, matrix,LOTR,whatever it takes, armagedon, my sassy girl,a walk to rmember,the notebook,cinema paradiso
mtv punk'd,mtv rock'd,sex and the city,smallville,buzzzz,spongebob squarepants, worlds craziest videos,ripleys believe it or not, the amazing race, gilmore girls,mtv dismissed,PIMP my ride,newlyweds, mtv cribs.the assitants..desperate housewives, highschool reunion
the little prince..davincecode,angels and demons,if tomorrow never comes,confession of a broken heart..
GOD,my mum..my grand father..miz him so much...my baby xander*muah