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Local Celebrity.

About Me

By popular demand the account of my life presented to you. (translated.)
How do people begin to describe themselves without sounding boastful or arrogant? The answer is simple. They don't. If you're wondering if my pics are real, yes they are. Something may have caught your attention that may have caused you to click on my profile. Maybe it's the picture, or someone you recognize that I resemble, etc. who knows. I sure as hell don't. The bottom line is you are here, wanting to know about me. Well, if you were to have experienced first hand the account of my life, it would sound something like this:
I was born and raised in the breathtaking city of San Francisco, where I reside currently. My adoration for this magnificent city grows more and more with each passing each day. Believe it or not, I was brought up in the most sheltered of environments possible. I was always living a life never harder than it seemed. Upon my entrance into one of the biggest high schools in the city, the reality of surreal life struck me in the face like a ton of bricks. With the seemingly never-ending struggle I continued to face on a daily basis, I brutally felt life was finally taking its toll on me. For what reason, I may never know.
With time, I began to develop a sense of learning to cope as well as learning to accept the things I cannot change. With the daily drama filled impediments, you would think its fun to lead a life of unexpectancy and spontaneity. But it's not at all reminiscent of that. Like a contract, it has numerous hidden loopholes if you will. I have been through it all. You name it, I been through it. The way I see it, what does not kill you can only make you stronger. I go though countless emotions in one day; from contentment to melancholy, nativity to grave endings, bliss to grief. I probably go through more emotions in one day than many go through in an entire month.
Outer beauty is something extremely trifling to me. It is something that is expressed by the things we do, the choices we make, the lives we lead. Not some superficial chemicals so many of us use upon ourselves. The way I think of it, inner beauty is the single most important trait anyone in this world can possess. I regard it as being the most precious tenure we own next to life. Beauty to me is only skin deep. Literally.
It seems perceptible to the world that over time, I have obtained and developed an intimidating look. But believe me, things are never as they seem. If you took the little time necessary to understand me, I guarantee you will never regret that you did. I'm one of the few nicest people you will ever meet in your life. I'm someone who searches for the best in people; regardless of negative opinions others say about them or in relation to their past. To me, how they act towards me is what matters the most. I must admit, I AM an individual with multiple personalities. And there are times when the good and the bad come across each other. It's only plain proof that I, too, am human.
I strive for what is best in any situation, even if it resorts deviating from what is right. I'm that little change that accounts for the change i wish to see in this world. I regard friendships with utmost respect and will do anything for a good friend, even if it means giving up my life. But take heed, because I continually find myself barricading off those who do not give me the simple as simple respect I deserve.
After reading all this, I hope you may have changed your perception about me. I am obviously NOT your typical Asian that you see walking down the street. Label me as that, and your asking for a death threat. =] But in the end, as you will soon discover, I am, but is not limited to, an uncomplicated everyday person, true to my words and more prominently true to myself. With that said, I leave you with my personal words of wisdom to you: "Know where to draw the line in life...but ALWAYS live ABOVE it."

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

my future modeling partner/manager or simple dorks like me. =]

Don't you find it especially funny how people are so bold and blunt online simply because they hide behind a computer? Before you message me, think with your brain on what to say in it, not with your genitalia. With that said, go ahead. message away beyond your limits. Surprise me beyond my heart's content.

It doesn't seem apparent to me that a lot of you want to add me but cant and for those who are unable to, my email is [email protected]

adopt your own virtual pet!



My Blog

Forged Relationships

These are the saddest words in any language.In everyday relationships, there's always an experience of heartache or heartbreak. Remember back in the algebra days when you would do a basic mathematical...
Posted by Ryan on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 01:13:00 PST

2006. It's Been a Hard Year...

    As I look back on the year and the events I had lived through, tears that I am unable to hold back begin to fill my eyes. Many mistakes, many regrets, and many miracles have brought...
Posted by Ryan on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 01:35:00 PST

Pick battles big enough to matter, but small enough to win.

Well, a different person has inspired me. Yet the first remains there.. the first is never forgotten. I for one have tried and failed and have moved on. And if the latter be so, I..ve found someone ju...
Posted by Ryan on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 12:32:00 PST


I don't know how I stumbled on this. but yet it seems to be destiny for the fact that it explains exactly how I've been feeling...irony.?...Weekends are suppose to the days of the week everyone looks ...
Posted by Ryan on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 11:23:00 PST

To the one who tore up my heart

"The greatest irony of love: loving the right person at the wrong time, having the wrong person when the time is right, and finding out you love someone right after that person walks out of your life....
Posted by Ryan on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 11:50:00 PST

im a sucker for cute asians.? =O

as of today, i have officially realized im a sucker for cute asians. ...
Posted by Ryan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST