John profile picture


Be loyal to yourself before anything else

About Me

About me....... I'll let you tell me. I am who I am and thats all I really know.

My Interests

People. Some of the most interesting things in life are how some people act and their behaviors. Trips you out like no other.

I'd like to meet:

Scanless and petty people suck. If your looking to look out for people opposed to doing them wrong, I'd like to meet you. Dont ever hate life either. Life is good, get that through your head. You could of been a fly that hangs out on shit all day. Comprende? Life sounds a little better now dont it?


Something about Electric Guitars that sound so damn cool


If your expecting a super long list of the movies I like, your kidding yourself. Amazing how ppl have like a Brazillion (brazilian sounds like a big number dont it?) =P


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Is there such a thing as a "FAVORITE" book?


You are. Whether you know it or not, there's a hero inside of you thats going to save someone's life someday. Just wait, you'll see. And please split the money if you became rich because I supported you.