Steve, my pink Llama! Touch my llama, he likes it. :)
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Anyone who thinks I'm fun. :)
oh man, 80's slow jams Gregory Abbott rocks, d&b, Radiohead, The Postal Service, Death Cab for Cutie, Richie Havens, Sade, Spiritualized, Stereolab, Enigma, Neutral Milk Hotel, Blink 182, Jill Scott, on and on and I have been listening to XM radio more and more now. I love the 80's and yes, the 90s stations. ::hanging head in shame:: I still *love* my D&B though so I can be found shakin my butt to some of that any given night. Still love the Six feet Under Soundtrack...I found a new favorite, although some say its too depressing! hahah It's Colin Hay, who was the singer for Men at Work. His lyrics and music seem to come right out of my own head. I first heard him on the Garden State track, but his music is often played in Scrubs. I guess Braff must love the guys stuff too!
Delta of Venus, Blue in the Face, Spirited Away, Garden State, Secretary, Sixteen Candles, Dirty Dancing, Requiem for a Dream, Basquiat, Amelie, Boondock Saints, Things to Do in Denver when You're Dead, Buffalo 66, Empire Records (Liv Tyler:::drool:::), Bound, High Art, Welcome to the Dollhouse, Happiness, Quills, Donnie Darko, American History X, The Princess Bride, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Crash, this list could also go on forever.
I am a geek for teen series', however absolutely hands down best show ever on TV is Six Feet Under. Now that my favorite show is over I have to move on. I love the reality shit that's on now, like Doctor 90210, Miami Ink, Kill Reality, and the one with Kathy Griffin is so funny. I also love all the adult swim stuff and of course, Family Guy. And yeah, I admit it, I watch way too much tv, but I can't help it, I have a DVR. I can't wait for the new Gilmore Girls and Lost. hahaha
The Starbellied Sneech, All of Chuck Palahniuk (I swear I must be related to this man!) The Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda, Requiem for a Dream, Skinny Legs and All by Tom Robbins, The Enders Series by Orsen Scott Card, PIHKAL, From Chocolate to Morphine, anything by David Sedaris and a new fave, The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephan Chbosky, I also started rereading old favorites like Cat's Cradle (Vonnegut), Slaughter House Five. I also love to flip through art books, like Jean-Micheal Basquiat, Dali, and Mark Ryden. However, lately, all I seem to be reading is porn, lots and lots of porn. I seriously, may have a porn problem, but that's okay. :) Right now my favorite book is the one that Denny gave me for my birthday. Yea, I'm a romantic, but that thing still has me over the moon!
I am my own hero