lately, i so love bob dylan. never before had i understood or had i even wanted to. i have an extrme interest to live in another country, but know not how to do so. i would also be extremely interested in playing music with my former cohorts in atlanta and establishing the rapport and community we once all shared. all that follows was written some time ago. um, young ladies, pretty much covered above. some of my previous answers scared some folks, so i had to uh, reword some things. i love li'l man and baby girl as much as anything in this world. and bambino will be forever missed and remembered. but for now, montepulciano vernon and riesling sue are helping keep a small piece of mind. i'm really interested in finding the perfect band or bandmates in new york city. ok, i'll settle for more than two people to play music with. thank you.
pre script. check the bottom for the new stuff, the top was written some time ago. at the height of my free jazz phase i just wanted a young lady, a beautiful young perfect woman to be at one of these jazz shows they had at this existentialist church in atlanta, and we'd be into the same music and i could tell my pops i met her at church and everything would be peachy..... but, there were only dorky jazz nerd boys like myself there. but one day there was one. she was beautiful but i didn't see her. i saw susie ibarra. bryan found her, his bride-to-never-be (sorry, my dear friend) and i got an expensive drum lesson that completely humbled me. question still unanswered: i like my ex-girlfriend a lot. oh yeah, that's great, girls love that, talk about your old lady. or rather old, old lady. ok, i'd like to meet a nice girl in a pretty dress. beautiful long haired girl in a beautiful sundress. we could be perfect in the spring. but it's almost winter in new york, john. ok, fine, a norse goddess in a gorgeous fur and nothing else. thank you, god. the aforementioned was writ almost two years ago, probably longer, and i have since found a beautiful green mountain girl who loves music and travelling as much as i. as far as gentlemen go, i would very, very much like to meet an upright bass player that lives here in atlanta and would be very eager to play and play all matter of jazz and a few other musics.
james marshall hendrix IIIthe liars have also completely changed new music for me. they help me to be open to new bands, which formerly were becoming more & more closed off to me.
bob dylan, john coltrane, eric dolphy, ornette coleman, matt and joe maneri.
drummers: elvin jones. mitch mitchell. julian. ed blackwell. rashied ali. milford graves. muhammed ali. hamid drake. & keenah botoh.
primitive calculators - I can't stop it
don't look back. cocksucker's blues. mean streets. paris,texas. valley girl. and other 80's movies from my early childhood that i've seen a lot of lately. to resee them now is very special. westerns, i like westerns and old, old movies lately. really trying to understand how life was in different times. understanding fucker rude boy.......................................... ......................performance peeping tom..................................... ...............who's that knocking at my door?................................ ......................... may, deux mille et sept: annie hall {hello cliche}. malcolm X and the documentary that comes with the dvd. i need to see mean streets again, but i did watch goodfellas and casino recently and i got more from them than ever before,"one dog goes this way, one dog goes that way". or is it "faces"
. the other day i made my friend, morgen, show me the first, the very first 'sex and the city' episode, which normally, for the past however many years since it's existed i loathed. so, okay, we're watching it and she's talking throught the whole shit, talkin' about how bad it is. i'm tellin' her to shut it, 'cause i wanna hear it. usually she looooves bad movies, television, whatever, like she made me watch 'poison ivy' the other day for the first time and 'total recall' before that, and recently at her house, her other friend and i couldn't even stand this one shit, but she loved it; we made her turn it off, then proceeded to watch 'heathers.' this is more about movies than television, but then, i don't get to watch so much tv. oh yeah, back to the 'sex and the city', the first episode's over and she's like, " you wanna watch the second one?" and then i say no and of course she really wants to watch it. she's so fucking silly, but 'total recall' was pretty good. i can't believe what the above says, jesus, so long ago. i'm at work now. i think i'll go downstairs and fall down, was gonna write some shit about the Sopranos. but now......jesus, god. life is so.......may 2007
'interview' magazine. the earlae earlae schtuff. hhmm, good. total 'vice' dork._________.please kill music. :sanctuary: mai mmvii: dazed & confused what did i read? oh, dennis cooper book i bought for jane. what's the name, jane? need a new book. gettin' way to many free papers & magazines lately to read an actual book.
greatest american hero and murdock (of the a-team, you ninny)may 2007: nimnim's also a good word