Music, Guitar, Computers, Law, Soccer, Muay Thai. martial arts, AND anything Brazilian man I love that place...!!! Beautiful country beautiful people .
Who I Want to Meet: (Girl Friend Material )Someone who isnt certifiably crazy. Quirky is ok. Odd is endearing..Nuts like psycho nuts...NOT GOOD! (Good Friend Material) Someone who is certifiably crazy. Quirky is ok. Odd is endearing..Nuts like psycho nuts...Hell Yeah! Anyway ..Want to Meet some cool Cats.. Who can catch my obscure refferences and dead pan humor.
Favorite Music: Ska, rocksteady, Jazz, reggae, Afrocuban, Afrocarribean Music, Punk Rock, just plain old Rock, and of course Hip Hop. Not that commercial garbage....But Hip Hop!......But More importantly Just Good Music . However Still Rude!
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Something about Mary, BottleRockets, Rushmore, Zoolander, Fight Club, Many many more
White Boy Shuffle, Tuffy, (great political /social satires)