hello, my name is fabulous! profile picture

hello, my name is fabulous!

I'm property of Martin! Don't dare to touch!!

About Me

Definetely I am.. any problems with that?? I used to live in China and Russia, I really do love Russia, i ia govoryu po russkii :), and now here I am, been trapped in Sunderland, doing my MA International Management, and starting to get depressed with tons of assignments! :(Most people never read this, most people look directly at the pictures, and decide by that if you’re worthy to talk to. It seems as first impressions always mean everything to most everyone. Sometimes, that makes you miss out on the real person.. If you typical person like this, please KEEP AWAY from me!! I can be your friend or foe.. You decide!! Yeah I'm mean!AND PLEASE, NO DIRTY - MINDED FREAKS!!! I do respect myself and others... If you do read this, thank you. Much appreciated! Cheers

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Anggun, Pink, Alanis Morisette!!!


Dont really watch TV


Mum and Pap

My Blog


Girls...   Beauty is skin deep...Beauty is in the eyes of the beholderAnd you will always be a beauty to someone :)Just remember this..Look at most top models, yes they are stunning on the outsid...
Posted by ...i have seen the rain... on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 11:44:00 PST