I'd like to meet:
Drew Barrymore! Besides her I love to meet new people. People are so fascinating in their own way to me. I love to people watch it's like a bad habbit I guess! Everyone has their own unique story and you can see a glimpse of it just by looking at them and by listening to the way they talk! My husband gets so made at me for staring but I just can't help it every person is so diferent yet the same. And it fascinates me!embed src="http://apps.rockyou.com/scratch.swf?instanceid=967621&a
mp;ver=060913" quality="high" salign="lt" width="426" height="320" wmode="transparent" name="rockyou" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"/
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I love old and new horror movies! And like all girls I'm a sucker for romance movies too. But I pretty much will watch anything once. Some of my favorite movies are the original Psycho, Wedding Singer, The Notebook, Dirty Dancing, Footloose, The Storey of Us, Forrest Gump, Braveheart
I enjoy watching the O.C. and One Tree Hill.
My Gramma Scott and My Parents!