Trevor profile picture


the ultraviolet catastrophy

About Me

"There is no place else to go The theater is closed
There is no place else to go The theater is closed
Cut word line
Cut music line
Smash the control images
Smash the control machine."
excerpt taken from 'Quick Fix' by WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS

the 'blurb'
I really hate describing myself on sites like this... but here we go.
I am married to my best friend, and I love spending time with her. Susan is the center of my world, followed by my brother, sister and mom. I climb/hike mountains, and am always planning a trip into the mountains, season dosn't really matter to me, thats what crampons and ice axes are for.
I love taking photos, however, due to the user agreement here I have no desire to post photos on this site. However, I do have a deviantart site,
CLICK HERE TO GO TO MY D.A. SITE and see my photos, also please feel free to comment on them, on the site.
My wife also takes photos and has a D.A. site Click here for Susans D.A. site
I find myself constantly marveling at the world around me, and the wonders in it, though I am by no means a relgious person, and am not a member of any organized religion, I believe that we are all a part of something greater than ourselves... but I don't think anyone has it right, but at the same time, every single person has the right to their beleifs, and I fully support their rights to their beleifs... In my opinion, its the insecurity of religions that drive them to say they are the one true path, and the insecurities of individuals lead them to feel compelled to cram their beliefs down other people's throats...
If you couldn't already tell, I have very strong opionions about a lot of things that would tend to result in people tagging the word "liberal" to me... and while I would tend to think that lables are for individuals that have a difficult time seeing beyond themselves, the aformentioned term would come fairly close to describing my political and social inclinations.
I love tattoo's and piercings... though my job prevents me from having the number I would like, I love the ones I have...
I am the founding member of KUBiX, an electronic-industrial band. Since there have been questions about it I will make it really easy... Click HERE for the KUBiX Myspace Page
or if you want to here any of our stuff just click one of the links below and a download will automatically start.... this way you get the highest qualit MP3 possible... and for free...
Fade - Rough Cut
Do it Again - Demo Version
Sublimate - Demo Version

we also have more posted at or

My Interests

analogue synthesizers, industrial music, writing, photography, tatoos, peircings, anti-bush, environmentalism, anti-capitalism, snow climbing, snow shoeing, 14'ers, nature, rock climbing, high altitude climbing, freesledding, free sledding


skinny puppy; ministry; kubix; :wumpscut:; datacode division; emergence; diverje; project pitchfork; Ohgr; kmfdm; revco; chris conolly; das ich; nine inch nails; rob zombie


...i have strong opinions about t.v. that i am sure you would rather not be subjected to...


1984, Animal Farm, Alas Babylon, Hunchback of Notredam, Where the Wild Things Are, Fahrenheit 451, Tale of Two Cities, Candide, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harry Potter, Paradise Lost, Toa Te Ching, Into Thin Air


every human being that overcomes their circumstances to rise above and achieve something greater than they had originally believed themselves capable...

if i had to name people, I would have to say my grandfather, and my brother

My Blog

Photos being Published!

I know that I dont update this much, but I think this is super cool. One of my photos is going to be in the 9News weather Calendar for the upcoming year.It was one of the photos I took near the top o...
Posted by Trevor on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 05:43:00 PST

Photo Prints Available

We have been working on getting it running for a year now, and its finally up and running. Susan and I have gotten Syncretism Studio's to a point where we can start selling art, and I have gotten som...
Posted by Trevor on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:58:00 PST

hey chicken little, the sky is falling!

F U C K! another blizzard is meandering through the city...ok, so i like snow, i really do, and most people would probably think to themselves... you live in denver... what do you really expectand th...
Posted by Trevor on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 03:55:00 PST

feeling warm in the snow

in my feverish angst created by my snow bound captivity, I strapped on my snowshoes today and went wandering in the winter... camera in hand... snapping shots here and there... feeling somewhat artist...
Posted by Trevor on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 10:06:00 PST

snowstorm boredom leads to

blizzard rambles..... i really havn't been posting much anywhere recently... but since i am stuck at home waiting out a blizzard, I figured I'd spend some time updating myspace...So I have been workin...
Posted by Trevor on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 02:24:00 PST

tsop tsrif

... so this is my first new post here. I got my newest synth all set up today... an Alesis Ion, it really kicks ass, very controlable... good stuff. We are really looking forward to playing with Akt...
Posted by Trevor on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST