My interests include soccer as it should be, working, walking around aimlessly and raising any sort of havoc possible, hanging out with friends and doing the unexpected. What is better than that?
I would like to meet someone new. Someone who could turn my life around and make it better. I am sure that someone is out there so I will take my time and meet everyone else on the way. I really want to meet people who can do back flips though. Back flips are really cool...
Music is everything. Music is what makes people dance. Music is what makes people smile. Music brings new people together. Music expresses emotion without angering others. Music shows soul. Music helps me live, love, and enjoy everything around me.
Movies... Well if my friends don't say the movie sucks and someone gets me off my lazy bum then I will go see it. Simple eh?
I enjoy just about any book that gets me thinking or keeps me puzzled for a long period of time. I also enjoy any book that I can debate and fight with another person over.
Over time I learned that all my friends and family are my heroes. I mean each and every one of them has most likely flew down and saved me at some point or another. What isn't heroic about that?