Para 2 : I love cars but Im not talking just any cars. Sorry to say but highly tuned Japs cars is simply not my style. But that doesnt mean that I am biased. It is just a matter of preference. Well, European cars would be my choice of preference, but if I were to give a narrow view my choice would be the German cars. And of course my favorite of them all is BMW :) Why?? It would take great lengths of paragraphs to explain it here :P
Para 3 : Loves PC gaming since childhood. Started off with playing Dig-Dug. Then moves on to the most memorable game of all time; DOOM. Since then, my interests dwell into most FPS games. But I am not the type who takes realism & tactical into consideration when choosing a FPS game. Fun factor is important and so far those games who managed to deliver that are id software's, Monolith's, Valve's and few other developers which Ive forgot their names...(oh bummer~)