Dark Honey profile picture

Dark Honey

I am here for Friends

About Me

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Christ where do I start? Well I have a VERY big taste in music and I will generally like anything, as the saying goes everything from ABBA to ZZ-top, if you want to add me just send me a message/comment saying Hi and I will get back to you, I'm quite a complex person I can be really hyper but calm at the same time,I come across as really confident but Im actually quite shy, I can blush for apparently no reason but I can come out with some of the most shocking filth you've ever heard a girl say (don't believe me ask my friends Lucia and Jennifer) I love going out but I don't feel the need to get drunk (I act drunk most the time any way lol)I'm extremely loyal to my friends but cross me once and I'll never forgive you (trust is a gift use it wisely)I'm close to my mum but we don't get on most of the time! I love learning new things and meeting new people from all walks of life (just check out my friends list) And i believe that life is an adventure its up to you how good or bad it is so go out there, stop complaining and make your life what you think it should be!!!
and if you have the time go and check out my mums photos on her website at www.spookyblue.co.uk Oh yeah and one quick random fact about me- Im related to Dave Hill from Slade (embarrassing but true) ha ha really!!! for FaceBook idiots my URL is http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=653439168 and for the Twats with Bebo you can find me on www.bebo.com/YummyMummy-25 See ya!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I like all sorts of people, anybody who has the balls to tell me straight always gains my respect coz I know that i can be an insensitive bitch! I love girls who arent afraid to be themselves that have a "who gives a fuck what anybody what anybody else thinks" attitude especially in this male dominated world! I like guys who are a bit of a bad boy but not so much that they become a dick (not cool guys) I like people who have that little something that makes them different and they are proud of the fact too, anyone who likes my bands is gonna get on great with me but I will probaly surprise you with who I DONT like, I dont judge people by what they wear or what they listen too etc because I have been judged (wrongly) for things like that and the person they thought I was turned out to be VERY wrong, I dont want to meet pretentious people or fakes/liars etc there is no need for it, if I send you a message/comment I would probaly like one back, I know it might take a couple of days to reply to you but I always do reply its just that I have a lot of people sending me messages, but I WILL get back too you, well thats it so far so go on be yourself and you never know you might have a new friend for life! ROCK ON!!!!
Myspace Chinese Astrology

My Blog

this isnt a blog

ha ha ha FOOLS I did warn you this wasnt a blog, now you HAVE to post a comment coz I know who looked LMAO!!!
Posted by on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 14:26:00 GMT

I love him, I love him, yes I doooo!!!

Well today I thought I would write about the most important guy in my life, as most of you know I have a son so I'm going to tell you all a little bit about him and then you might see why I love him a...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 19:57:00 GMT


Someone wrote this for my mum I think its beautiful!   The purple clad mountains With Glen in between The finest of sights That a mans ever seen With sunbeams that hang Just as corn coloured hair...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 15:44:00 GMT


Me and my friend were talking the other day about the response she got from one of her blogs, I cant believe some people if they have nothing intelligent to say they should say nothing at all!!! ...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 13:31:00 GMT

the calm after the storm

Well I'm sitting here alone and I feel surprisingly good! Especially considering that my husband left last night, all I got to worry about now is when I'm getting my next shag! seriously folks the man...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 13:54:00 GMT


Why the fuck do we continue to talk to men??? All they do is find new ways to hurt us! After the way I have been treated I'm only gonna have men as disposable toys. Sorry boys but thats the way it is ...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 15:00:00 GMT


Hi there folks and welcome to the first blog of many but where to start??? well I'll tell you a little bit about me then, Im a fun loving gal who just wants to have a good laugh and then die (to ...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 18:10:00 GMT