WRITERS: I'd love to network with you. I do book reviews from time to time-- so if you have something you'd like reviewed, I'm your gal.
READERS: Keep up with my blog! I will update it frequently (I love to write, after all). Not only will they contain info about what publications are coming out, but other works from authors that I love-- and whatever other funny things I decide to throw in there.
I'm studying Spanish and Sociology full time at my community college.
I like to try to live my life cruelty-free. The well-being of the environment is super high up on my list of important things.
I love to read... the library is one of my favorite places.
I volunteer about 30 hours a month for the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center. It is wonderful, fulfilling and terrible work. I don't know what I'd do without it.
I love good friends, and hearing good jokes, and laughing, and sunshine, and the ocean at low tide, and when my hair blows in the wind. I love speaking spanish, and panera, and traveling. Chick peas, hugs, and lying in warm sand. I love and dancing on the beach, and Rebelde, and my best friend, and back rubs. I love NPR. Feminists, activists, singing camp songs, and my organic hand soap. I love lentil soup. I love animals, and valentine's day, and blankets, and flip-flops, and the chapel at Ferry Beach. I love stretching, nature, long walks, and good conversation. I love Trader Joe's dark chocolate covered soy nuts, Amy's vegan pizza, and tofu in my stir fry.
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