poking the creatures. good food and drink. late-night conversations. smoking on fire escapes. singing arias on silent streets. recreational flirting. other living things. staring at the sea/sky/stars. making love to the universe. making tasty food. making random art. making just about anything. daydreaming as an addiction. writing constantly. traveling everywhere. running amuck and/or getting into trouble. being a recluse. being a socialite. going to shows (just about *any* shows, really) . wandering for wandering's sake. talking through the sunrise. skinnydipping, especially under a full moon or northern lights. little pockets of manic bliss. getting high on sunlight. getting backrubs (other than from people who are nonconsentually sketchy) . undarwinian predilections. moments that burn themselves onto one's brain. moments of unexpected interpersonal connection. girly boys and boyish girls. C 2 H 5 OH, baby. brunch, brunching, and walking to brunch. tinkering with shite. people who smell good. the beauty of being completely ADD.
"the mad ones," obviously.
people who find me intimidating, but only rarely act like it - because if i really like you, i'm likely doing the same thing.
people who party like rockstars, but can still hold down a job.
people who give a damn.
more Giant Somerville Sidewalk Slugs.
there are two kinds of music: Good Music and Bad Music.
i like Good Music :)
i love independent cinema, love it love it love it.
i also love anything wong kar-wai / darren aronofsky / peter greenaway / charlie kaufman / jean-pierre jeunet.
what's that?
i like those. lots.
now accepting applications. (previous award recipients include: my maternal grandmother, gabriel garcia marquez, salman rushdie, haruki murakami, dorothy parker, anais nin, leslie feinberg, ina may gaskin, inga muscio....)