"Ring Factory"
Add to My Profile | More Videos I felt that this clip was one of the most inspiring clip's I've ever seen.Never give up on any goals & dreams you have,life will test you!!remember to give it your Best!! it's not suppose to be easy, ur suppose to feel the pain!!! it's gonna hurt!!!!!!!! that's part of the process, dont you ever forget that!!!!!!!!!(for ya slow people hopefully ya get the real meaning of the film). if this movie doesn't get to you, then i dont know what will.Question is will you Quit????;) ? JMA"Ring Factory" PFS21... Get Your Own! | View Slideshow26years old
Anthony Pinto
PFS... pfs 21
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bible,driven by Micheal Jordan,Think and grow rich,beyond Positive Thinking,Think Like a WinnerChampions Quote #128"World-class results are the manifestation of laser focused mental energy directed toward a person’s ultra specific goal or vision. The laws of quantum physics demand that ideas held obsessively on the mental plane must eventually manifest themselves in physical form. You provide the details and the discipline, and science will do the rest.â€
MY Father,
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