Nameless is The Truth! Raised in a household where music was a constant and having performed in all different kinds of musical groups since the age of 7, Nameless learned at a young age the power of music and developed a distinct taste for crowd rockin'. After years of work, learning to play three different instruments as well as singing with a choir or two, Nameless took all he learned about music and put it into his tool of choice; the Gift of Gab. And ever since then, the rhymes have been flowin' and things haven't been the same!
Nameless is For The People! There are few folks who work as tirelessly for the down-trodden , working to create a voice for those that have been cut off from speaking up and speaking loud. His music reflects this commitment to being the voice of the 'hood, letting the world know that there is more on the mind of inner city folks than just narcotics, violence and misogyny. Nameless does this just by giving you a glimpse into his mind through his music. Each track he delivers gives you another tale of a True Man of the People trying his best to maintain in this world gone mad.
Nameless got Soul! Growing up, his mother would often say that he was born in the wrong decade. And when you listen to the vibe and music that Nameless provides, you can tell that he is cut from the same musical mold as Earth, Wind & Fire, Eddie Hendricks or Sly and the Family Stone. Instead of croonin' over groovin' tracks, Nameless spits flames hot enough to destroy any disco, club, house party or concert. Nameless truly brings the essence of "funk" into the 21st Century!
Nameless is For Real! Nameless is what the people have been waiting for: a leader with the heart of a lion, ready to shepherd the Hip-Hop Nation to new heights!