a list of things that periodically and/or frequently make me smile...MUSIC, art, scarves, record shops, sushi, snow days, argyle, shows, photography, Day Off, same room text messages, single finger leg touches, afros, my friends, culinary skills, slip ons, mountains, cinematography, naps, good conversation, LEGOS, dress socks, travel, hot tea, new hoodies, Kart, KOTB, Sloan's chili, good words, inside jokes, books, BBQ's, camping, mvp...
the genuine...all others need not apply.
I enjoy an unbearable amount of music, forget listing them out, let's have a conversation about it. lately i haven't been able to stop listening to: Bayside, Death Cab for Cutie... and be sure to check out: SINGLE FILE
High Fidelity, Almost Famous, Juno.
How I Met Your Mother. Arrested Development. Weeds.
yes, please