things that don't involve country music, soap operas, or team sports
a real life Atticus Finch, someone who has been on "Next" or "Parental Control", Michael Jackson, Juliette Lewis, John Stewart (as a guest on his show), Joel McHale , and the guy who draws these and the guy who writes this .
goddamn he's fine
people who define others by their musical preferences need to lighten up.
Michael Jackson,
Fiona Apple,
Counting Crows,
Billie Holliday,
Elton John,
Dinah Washington,
The Beatles,
Jefferson Airplane,
Smashing Pumpkins,
the Attic Crew,
The Cardigans,
Jimi Hendrix,
pre-motherhood Madonna,
Culture Club, and
Credence Clearwater Revival
To Kill A Mockingbird, ATL, Gone with the Wind, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Bowling for Columbine, The Fantastic Adventures of Unico, Unico and the Island of Magic, The Brave Little Toaster, Cruel Intentions, Dogma, Radio, Team America: World Police, Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky, Dr. Zhivago, William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Anything with zombies. Or ninjas. Or with zombie-ninjas.
infomercials and [adult swim].
Eros the Bittersweet, Twilight of Idols, Performance of A Lifetime, The Phantom Tollbooth, Tess of the d'Ubervilles, Atlas Shrugged, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Chronicle of A Death Foretold, The Consolation of Philosophy, Phaedrus, Plato's Symposium, anything by Roald Dahl
You're Ulysses!
by James Joyce
Most people are convinced that you don't make any sense, but compared
to what else you could say, what you're saying now makes tons of sense. What people do
understand about you is your vulgarity, which has convinced people that you are at once
brilliant and repugnant. Meanwhile you are content to wander around aimlessly, taking in
the sights and sounds of the city. What you see is vast, almost limitless, and brings you
additional fame. When no one is looking, you dream of being a Greek folk hero.
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid .
Socrates, Galileo, Jesus, Nietzsche, MLK, Copernicus, Darwin, anyone who can make me laugh (which basically includes anyone who can talk)
Margaret Sanger
"I resolved that women should have knowledge of contraception. They have every right to know about their own bodies. I would strike out—I would scream from the housetops. I would tell the world what was going on in the lives of these poor women."
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