View my page on Empress Social Club
A LITTLE MORE ABOUT ME : Im 23 year old beautiful, strong, and educated Black woman. I just graduated college and now Im trying to build my life from there. I am quite and shy, until you know me...then I really open up to my silly self. I am a Taurus so I am very stubborn and can be self centered at times. When I realize I'm being that way I try my HARDEST to change it, dont fault me on that! I am very caring and emotional inside....but it takes a mountain to move me on the outside. I dont really show my feelings or emotions because I pride myself on being such a strong woman. I love to write, read, take my daily naps, eat ice cream, hang with my bestfriends, go clubbin, and spend time with my love. Im the kind of chick who lives her life by her standards and not others. So haters don't phase me and people who run their mouth don't either. I live for me. I do what I please with no regards to the insignificant people LOL. I work hard on whatever I do, so yall will see me at the top soon! Other then that, theres not much else you cant find out by lookin at the page or pictures. Enjoy ya stay! Either get on or get off!
THINGS I'M ADDICTED TO: passion animal ever. I love them! Light Blue...My fav. perfume.. What's a night out without a bottle of Bacardi? I will leave this one to your imagination... My favorite dessert to eat laying in the bed.... The advancement and POWER of my people.....I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4I enjoy these crazy nights with my girls...PYT in the bitches 4 life!!Bestfriend!I love to go out and throw a dress on!Lots of photoshoots in my room b4 I roll out lol