A Quality Woman profile picture

A Quality Woman

Im a movement by myself....But we're a force when we're together....you make me betta

About Me

ATTENTION!!!!!! Male & Female Models! Hardbody Magazine is searching for models. If you think you have what it takes, send me a message!! Or send your images to [email protected] ALso seek photographers and writers who are willing to submit! HardBody Magazine JUNE Issue 1. Vol. 1 DOuble Cover (front & back) **************************************************** Back the regular scheduled programming:I am a young fabulous woman. With dreams, goals, hopes and aspirations to make a mark in the world. I grew up in Willingboro, NJ, the youngest of 4 brilliant and creative siblings in a single parent home. I attended Rutgers University in New Brunswick and bloomed into the glamourous diva I am now. I graduated in May with my Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Media Studies. The love of letters forming words, that mold sentences, that create my thoughts is continuing to grow and grow. Follow me through the randomness of my mind :) I started my own magazine (HardBody Magazine) and I also freelance for others. I write bios and press releases also...inquire within! DISCLAIMER: I am NOT looking for any romantic relationships or friendships. I am not interested, no matter who you are. NOT ON MYSPACE LOOKING FOR DATES, SO YOU WILL BE DECLINED! ALSO PLEASE NO MODELING INQUIRES. I DO NOT MODEL ANYMORE AND NO I DON'T WANT TO MODEL FOR YOUR COMPANY. THANK YOU.

I am contributing writer for Empress Magazine, so check that site out! The banner is below!

View my page on Empress Social Club
A LITTLE MORE ABOUT ME : Im 23 year old beautiful, strong, and educated Black woman. I just graduated college and now Im trying to build my life from there. I am quite and shy, until you know me...then I really open up to my silly self. I am a Taurus so I am very stubborn and can be self centered at times. When I realize I'm being that way I try my HARDEST to change it, dont fault me on that! I am very caring and emotional inside....but it takes a mountain to move me on the outside. I dont really show my feelings or emotions because I pride myself on being such a strong woman. I love to write, read, take my daily naps, eat ice cream, hang with my bestfriends, go clubbin, and spend time with my love. Im the kind of chick who lives her life by her standards and not others. So haters don't phase me and people who run their mouth don't either. I live for me. I do what I please with no regards to the insignificant people LOL. I work hard on whatever I do, so yall will see me at the top soon! Other then that, theres not much else you cant find out by lookin at the page or pictures. Enjoy ya stay! Either get on or get off!
THINGS I'M ADDICTED TO: Writing...my passion Kittens...best animal ever. I love them! Light Blue...My fav. perfume.. What's a night out without a bottle of Bacardi? I will leave this one to your imagination... My favorite dessert to eat laying in the bed.... The advancement and POWER of my people.....I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4I enjoy these crazy nights with my girls...PYT in the building....my bitches 4 life!!Bestfriend!I love to go out and throw a dress on!Lots of photoshoots in my room b4 I roll out lol

My Interests

SINCE people dont read...maybe I should put it above a picture....I DO NOT MODEL AND DO NOT WANT TO. NO MODELING INQUIRES PLEASE!Posing for the camera Being FLY Hanging with the girls I love More having fun...at a club/bar/lounge wherever I can have a nice drink. Enjoying the outdoors :) More being fly and some more....Just Enjoying every last bit of my life! Smiling!

I'd like to meet:

NO one in particular....Just those successful people who are making moves so I can learn from the best.Well The one celeb I would be gassed to meet is Beyonce. That is one successful, strong, black, talented and beautiful woman. My brother met and worked with her but I wasnt able to meet her yet! LOL working on it.


I always support my brother and his group Imajin www.imajinonline.com (website done by my brother he's on my top 24 TaazKareem)First Video back in the day (then)Second video:Third:More recent: Talk about TALENT! lol




My mom who has always been there to help me achieve my goals! I thank her for my success so far.. Thanks mom...working on making you proud!RUTGERS Alumni :)

My Blog

The Diary of a Mad Black Woman

Love. Although it can be one of the best things in a persons life, it can also cause the most pain. After pouring my all into someone and having it not appreciated, respected or deserved I find mysel...
Posted by A Quality Woman on Sun, 18 May 2008 12:38:00 PST

HardBody Magazine is looking for You

I'm looking for any rappers, photographers, business owners, etc that are interested in advertising in Hardbody Magazine. Our readers will be across the philadelphia and southern NJ area, eventually m...
Posted by A Quality Woman on Thu, 08 May 2008 05:09:00 PST

This is some funny Sh*t

I just thought this was the funniest shit ever! Now i'm well aware that I have fake pages floating all around MYSPACE....but this one takes the cake! Now she copied basically my whole profile, created...
Posted by A Quality Woman on Thu, 08 May 2008 04:47:00 PST

In the words of Diddy.....Vote or Die!

This is the year that history will be made. I am somebody and my vote counts. In 1868 black people were finally granted the same citizenship as whites and not until 1870 was the 15th amendment ratifi...
Posted by A Quality Woman on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 06:01:00 PST

Making the Band and Bitchassness

So my favorite show has returned with a new season! Making the band!!! Now including Danity Kane, the male band and Donnie all living together and competiting to make the best album for the one a...
Posted by A Quality Woman on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 08:08:00 PST


Well I don't want to spend alot of time writing on this because I actually get mad.  I just read that Mychel Bell of the Jena 6 was sentenced to 18 months in jail.  After he already sp...
Posted by A Quality Woman on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 07:10:00 PST

Hip Hop Vs America on BET

I just want some opinions on the show and what people had to say.... I fully understand these rappers are all about making their money so they are going to do it by any means necessary. I dont kn...
Posted by A Quality Woman on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 08:17:00 PST

Empress Magazine

Hey!! So I haven't written a blog in a while...so here goes :) lol I am now a contributing writer for Empress Magazine: The Lifestyle Magazine for the Young Urban Woman (thanks to JP!). So my first ar...
Posted by A Quality Woman on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 03:22:00 PST

WHY I stopped modeling..... UPDATED WITH ARTICLE

  UPDATED: Here is my article I wrote for Generation Next Magazine Titled "Vixen or Victim" Vixen or Victim?By Jameelah KareemI step on the long black runway wit smokey dark eyes, juicy red ...
Posted by A Quality Woman on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 07:01:00 PST

People that annoy me

Haven't done tthis in a while...........More things that annoy me...... 1) Men who see you walking down the street and try to holla at you. But their approach is way out of line. Yo what up ma, or yoo...
Posted by A Quality Woman on Tue, 08 May 2007 01:12:00 PST