Alexander-Digging a hole in silence. profile picture

Alexander-Digging a hole in silence.

I am here for Friends

About Me

My Life, like others is best summed up with a simple phrase. Words of immense feeling. A feeling of my own, quite possible completly useless to you. Myself, I Live eveyday for me. Regret is something for someone who can't live for themselves. I believe that "...happiness is not the natural state of mankind, and is never achieved from the outside in..." I make time to dance alone, nothing is as private as a solitary dance.

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests

Love, "The Abroad", Words are sexy, Wine.

I'd like to meet:


It makes the world go round, it's poetry literally in motion. A baiting form of our true expression comfortably masked behind a chords progression.


Are best spent with someone's company you enjoy, cuddling and falling asleep to.


Is a waste of productive time. Go drink good beer and ride your bike!


How about the genius who composed them: Rumi, Auden, Yeats, Bukowski, Frost, e.e. cummings, Harper Lee, Moore, Pratchett, Capote, King, Throeau.



My Blog

I never wrote.

I never wrote. It was too good to be true. What one misses today, yesterday and right now. Why, you wonder. I wasn't good enough. Love. Loss. Stinks. TBC.
Posted by Alexander-Digging a hole in silence. on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 10:26:00 PST

I said : " Boy go bring me my shotgun".

  "Yes, If I don't get some competition you know there is going to be trouble." Did you know? It's all your fault-things had to be this way.  Rubber Tree Plants, also know as Ficus, like to...
Posted by Alexander-Digging a hole in silence. on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 08:25:00 PST

Think about it. THere is more to it than a favor.

I wake up in the Morning (Mornings are important thus the capital-fore-running "M"). I first look at my phone. Then the clock and then a self-erected (now don't let what I just said make you stop read...
Posted by Alexander-Digging a hole in silence. on Mon, 07 May 2007 12:45:00 PST

Some things I love...

Despite my last "blog" I have found the optimistic side of things in no particular order.... 1. I Absolutly Love Chelsea Lane.  She is my Angel in Jeans.  Esp. when she suprises me at work a...
Posted by Alexander-Digging a hole in silence. on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 11:39:00 PST

It is not a road trip... It is a Quest.

Latley I have been - well, not myself.  It could be that Greeley is finally getting to me.  It could be the absence of Chelsee Welsee.  It could be I am over worked and just need a real...
Posted by Alexander-Digging a hole in silence. on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:56:00 PST

This morning...

Today, when I woke up, rolled over and looked at my night-stand and thought to myself that something was missing.  Not from the nightstand, but something was missing in my life.&nb...
Posted by Alexander-Digging a hole in silence. on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 02:01:00 PST


Breathe in.  Slower.  Now through your nose.  Close your eyes.  Just relax.  It's not your T.V - though it's fun to laugh at people sometimes.  It's not your computer - t...
Posted by Alexander-Digging a hole in silence. on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 01:29:00 PST