martin profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

lAid bAcK... rElaxeD... stEady lng... gO wIth thE fLoW... nO wOrRiEs... chillax... grEen... bEach lifE... dA cOurt... eRbOdY iN dA' cOuRt gEttIn' tIpsY... clUb jEp... bOy prOfilE.. aspIrinG.. drEamIng of blUe skIes... fIx mOdel.. dEepest bluE... fOotbAlL... sOcCer dUdE... hIDding sUn... LoYal LaSalLiStA... fIgHtEr... jiUjItsU... gYm dUdE... mAgaStOs sA sUplEmEntS... MuaY ThaI... tHe rEd lIght of thE sUn is slOwlY dEscEnding... thE skY is aLl i sEe, it's nEver Ending... BlisS...dEep tHinkEr... OnE grOovE... I stIll bEliEve in pAradise.. bUt knOw atlEast i KnoW iT's nOt somE plAce i coUld loOk foR.. Coz' iT'S not WhEre I gO.. it'S hOw i feEl foR a momEnt in mY lifE.. And whEn i fInD thAt momEnT iT wiLl laSt foRevEr... oNe LoVe, oNe hEarT, LeT's gEt tOgEtheR aNd fEeL aLrighT... P.L.U.R. i'Ve cRosSed tHe dEsErts fOr mIlEs, sWam wAtEr fOr TimE, sEarChinG pLaCes tO fInd, A piEce oF sOmEthInG to calL mInE, A piEce oF sOmEthInG to calL mInE... tAkE mE tO mY bEaCh!!! hErE i cOmE in PraIsE of thE sUn!!!!! =)

My Interests

anYthInG!!! bAsta' stEadY lanG...

I'd like to meet:

evErYbOdy iN thIs sMaLl wOrlD!!!


stEadY sOunDs... chillax... hoUse... deEp hoUse... bEacH hoUse... LoUnGe... hArD hoUse... rNb... rAp... anYthInG!!! chIcAnE!!.. TiEstO.. thE chIllAx sEsSiOns by Dj SunGaW, JaSOn, & mE.. aLso by thE SWAT pRodUctIonS.. dIgwEed.. sEb fOntAinE.. okEnfOld.. CafE dEl' mAr vOlumEs.. thE cHiLl oUt pRoJeCt.. bUdDhA bAr.. pEte ToNg.. Van dYk.. sAsHa.. oRbItaL.. gRoOvE aRmAdA.. maUrO PiCotTo.. fErRy cOrsTen.. tImO mAas.. crEam, sLinkY, pAchA, sPacE, mAnUmiSsiOn, gatEcRashEr, Hed kAndI, mInistrY oF soUnd, gLobAl uNdErgroUnd sEries.. rItchiE hAwtIn.. dIrtY vEgaS.. oL' skOol rAp shIt.. snOop.. warRenG.. drE.. 2pAc.. nAte dOgG.. fAbolOuS.. 50.. aLsO oPm.. baMboO.. rIvErmaya.. tRuE fAiTh.. mYmP.. gAryV.. 7sHotS.. sVc.. aLso rEgGae.. mArlEy.. sKa...dAmi pA.. jAmirOquAi.. LigHthOUse.. jAsOn mRaZ.. mAroOn5.. nOraH jOneS.. jOsS sTonE.. gIn bLosSomS.. dMb.. sAde.. iT's aLl aBoUt thE nOd... iF U knOw whAt I mEan...


thE bEach.. gRoOve.. blOw.. dAzEd aNd cOnfUseD.. pUlp fIctiOn.. sOmetHing abOut mAry.. 50 fIrst dAtEs.. fiNdInG nEmO.. u gOt sErvEd.. frIdaY.. nExt frIdaY.. frIdaY afTer nExt.. cIty oF gOd.. hAlf bAkEd.. oLd sChoOl..fIgHt clUb.. bRavEhEart.. tRoY.. thE gLadiAtoR.. thE blUe lAgoOn.. bAd bOys II.. thE lAst sAmuRai.. fAsT & thE fUriOuS.. 2fAsT.. tOrqUe.. bIkEr bOyZ.. iniTiaL D.. gOne in 6o sEconDs.. bLoOd iN bLOod oUt.. ofCouRsE, thE gOdFathEr.. sCarfAcE.. tHe neVer EndiNg stOrY.. WilLy wOnKa'S cAndY fActOry oR sUmtHin' lIke tHat.. dAmi pA..


anYthIng stEady...


tHE dA vIncI cOdE.. pUrPosE dRiVEn lIfe.. bUt i dOn'T rEalLy rEad boOkS...


gOd.. mYsElF.. tIesTo.. cHicanE.. tItO OrtIz.. wAndErlei siLva.. aNtOniO rOdrIgO NoGuEriA.. aRistOtle... pEoplE whO havEd inSpirEd mE to cHoosE LiFe aNd tO LivE iT.

My Blog

hAngOvEr...... =)

jSt wOkE up.... beEr.. beErbOng.. sTrOngIcE.. slUsH blUe kamiKazE.. sIpPin' bAcaRdI.. tEqUilLa rOsE.. tOskA.. slUsH pInk titIEs(gIn&pOmElo).. hEhe =).. kaMi ni dAbUi nAg titLe nUn.. gIn&cOkE.....
Posted by martin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


cHilLaX lAnG....
Posted by martin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

wla lng.

"here we come in praise of the sun..."
Posted by martin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST