I'm ALL about the snowboarding. I also write and edit comedy programmes for the telly, drink Jack Daniels and love me some good movie watching. Being a boy, I like football, videogames and football-based-videogames. Last week, I drank Jack Daniels whilst playing a snowboarding videogame. That was a good evening.
Can you make a good cup of tea? If you know to put the milk in AFTER the water then we're gonna be bestest buddies.
I listen to a lot of different music for a lot of different reasons. There's a lot of metal in there, a fair bit of old school rock, a smattering of hi-hop and a smidge of d'n'b, amoungst others. And I especially like that song, y'know, the one from the thing. By that band who did that other one. It goes Jun-jahjah jun jun DIDDLE DIDDLE jun jah jun jan. THAT is a CHOOOON.
Seven Samurai, American Beauty, Back to the Future, The Godfather, Shawshank Redemption, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars , Rear Window, Indiana Jones Trilogy, Usual Suspects, Memento, North by Northwest, Amelie, City of God, Goodfellas, , Vertigo, To Kill a Mockingbird, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, L.A. Confidential, Bridge on the River Kwai, Saving Private Ryan, Alien, Aliens, Finding Nemo, Jaws, Fargo, O Brother Where Art Thou?, The Shining, Princess Monoke, Monsters inc, The Iron Giant, etc...
I'm EXTREMELY particular about my books. If say, you really believe 'The Davinci Code' is based on a true story, rather than realising that it's actually a dogturd bunch of Arse-gravy shitted onto otherwise perfectly good paper, then I suggest we may not share the same tastes.
Arthur Schmidt, Thelma Schoonmaker, Walter Murch, Chris Morris. Go look them up.