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.. Hover Effects By Click here to get Falling Objects "NONE ARE MORE HOPELESLY ENSLAVED THEN THOSE WHO FALSELY BELIEVE THEY ARE FREE"There's soo much I cannot even explain... I LOVE *STARS*, MUSIC, and ART! I&..39;m a promoter for a street crew,Tremor ( Check out the site if you have some free time,sign up if youl'd like. Im very original and creative. Im a very nice person unless you piss me off then I can become a crazy bitch which rarely occours...I'll get along w/ just about anyone. I HATE DRAMA! If you want to know somthing about me just ask. I HATE liars for 1! I would rather know a theif than a liar. IT'S A SICK SAD WORLD... Anyway Im usally online quite frequently on aim (xxtrippy024lxx) or yahoo (xx_spiked_slurpee_420_xx) ... feel free to message me . Yea. I dont know what else to say.Just ask! "You can sZmy throat but I would appologize for bleeding on your shirt!"
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