**FrIeNdS**ChUrCh...GoD!**FrEnCh**SiNgInG**ScRaPbOoKiNg**StU aRt :)**CoOkInG!!!**PhOtOgRaPhY**MuSiC**TrAvElInG**4 WhEeLiNg!**ViVa La BaM**ClEaNiNg (is that wierd?!) ha ha**DaNcInG... esp in the rain!**CaMpInG**WrItInG**BeInG CrEaTiVe**DrIvInG**MoViEs**
I LOVE MUSIC!!! Music is my life. I love to sing it, listen to it, download it, play it... anything! -- I love all kinds of music. I listen to everything... pretty much. Alt Rock and Christian are my favs! Then there's the old stuff my dad listens to like K-SHE rock, Rap, Modern (the 80's and 90's), Country... even TRANCE!!! Of coruse i owe that to stu :)
~They gotta be funny!!! I REFUSE to watch anything even remotely scarry :)
Dont watch much... but i LOVE Friends and Viva La Bam!!! And... well... if you must know-i do still like Tom and Jerry :)
I despise reading...-- But i LOVE the Bible!!! Its the best book ev!