Hanging out with my baby and her son.Hiking on any available day I can- rain or shine. I can't go without my 2 dogs though. I read a lot as well and am obsessed with cars and the joy of driving.
I wish I could meet myself earlier in life and slap some sense into me at an earlier age.
No country- but depending on my mood: Slayer, Lamb of God, Pantera, Machine Head, old Sepultura, Soulfly, Chimaira and other equally heavy music when I'm by myself and feeling full of testosterone.If you looked through my MP3 and CD collection you'd find Paul Simon (great road music), Neil Diamond, a TON of 80's music....I have a really big thing for 80's music even though it was "before my time". Poison, Def Leppard, Journey, Bon Jovi- bring it!
I'm pretty easy to entertain. I love stupid comedies, like Anchorman, Dodgeball, Oldschool, All of the Austin Powers, Waynes Worlds', Van Wilder, etc.... I'm not a movie snob.I loved the big trilogies like Lord of the Rings and the Matrix as well. And I always enjoy a good horror movie.Chick flicks- I thought The Notebook was really good. mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false"
Dont have much time for TV, but I love Scrubs, Law and Order, CSI occassionally and Conan O'Brien. And Family Guy makes me laugh hysterically.I'm obsessed with Lost- even though that show pisses me off week after week because nothing is ever answered and only more questions are raised. I will watch that show until the bitter end though.
Darktower series, Prey series by John Sandford, Repairman Jack, any Stephen King/Dean Koontz/ F. Paul Wilson/ John Farris book I come across. I love to read and the amount of books I'd like to get to would take the rest of my life.
The soldiers overseas right now. Those that fought during WWII fresh out of high school.Anybody who has overcome a huge obstacle or given up their lives to help others.